A nice little hand with some nice bidding
and then the 3D saying no 5 major and got a 4 card one
and then the lad shows 4 card hearts and then the lady bids 4H.
A sense of forboding comes over the Galligan as Galligan is not declaring this.
However maybe the defense will offer up some tempos or clues
We look at 4333 in the East and wonder might he be better to downgrade and then emerge with highly invitational later ...but 4H it is
The defense led off with spade 3 ...probably shows an honor but not underleading Ace ...
Might keep that in mind for later
Declarer proceeded to emerge with Club Queen ...but with the outstanding clubs being
Ace Jack and Ten ...
I am lost how that is going to succeed but possibly there are some distributions with
singleton Ace of Clubs and you get a ruff and discard ...but thats still only 9 tricks
Maybe there is a way or maybe there is not
However harking back to the opening lead if we can remember that ...
We might figure on Spade Jack being up North and Spade Ace being down South
and be able to do something with that.
I understand I see bridge in a different way then most but that does not mean my way is
the wrong way ...it might be just that I had better teachers than ye
Like Phil Rice from the El Camino Bridge Club who was on his 5th time
reading Watsons Play of the Hand from cover to cover when I got a lift to the bridge club in his
car in 1987.
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