Friday, October 30, 2020

Cobol Cate arrives in 6NT in the Ireland Imp Pairs

 The Ireland Imp Pairs takes place every night at 830pm. None of this 715-740pm stuff when BBO building cleaners are around with need to plug in their hoovers and unplug a server or 2. 

So its Cobol Cate on declarer against the Defenders Double Declan and Double Deane who claim

they are better than what it says on the double dummy printouts by Deep Finesse who can see all the cards. 

So Cobol Cate hoovers up the Diamond lead with King 
T2. Advances a small Heart to reach dummy.
T3 Runs Spade 10 successfully keeping lead in dummy
T4 plays spade 5 to spade Jack winning and reaching the below position
One small point ..Cobol Cate would be better use HT and keep the hearts fluent for later finessing.

So what next ... The Deanster points at the clock and puts the rush on Cobol Cate who remains 
unmoving doing her sums .. A club finesse looks nice 
T5 we do the Club finesse and that wins ...
T6 we do another Club finesse and note the Deansters hilow with trepidation ... and Lightning swoops 
in with the Club King.. 

Lightning can see that HEART and SPADE returns are hopeless so returns Diamond 10 
won by Cobol Cate with Ace. 
Cobol Cate notes the Deansters discomfort on discarding on 2 winning clubs and feels some hope

4 cards left and only 3 winners so looks like one down ... 
Trick 10 Heart to the King ..and the Deanster follows easily 
Spade Ace is cashed and the Deanster wobbles a little ... 

The poor Deanster is caught in the vice like grip of Cobol Cate and can throw a winning diamond or bear the Heart Jack ... 

6NT bid and made by Cobol Cate ... and our intrepid defenders would be 24 imps worse off if they played Cobol Cate .... 

Happily for Mary Deane they played Mr Potato and he cashed Spade ace at trick 4 and left all the pain
go away. 

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