Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cobol Katie shows how to make 3S doubled against all the odds

 Recently Cobol Katie took up bridge and tried to use her programming skills to work the cards. Unfortunately her partner Accounting Dora swears by the Hackett convention. 

So poor old Cobol Kate ends up in 3SX and looks in Deep Trouble
Trick 1 .. North leads and wins Hearts
Trick 2 North leads another Heart and Cobol Katie ruffs
Trick 3 Cobol Katie being short of trumps starts off using her reserve suit Clubs as a kind of trumps. 
Club to the Jack ...she uses finesse as entry to work the diamonds
Trick 4 Cobol Kate leads a diamond towards KQ and South starts to feel the pain 
lets say Cobol Kate is allowed win King diamond and Kate advances another Club finesse 
South ruffs
Nothing better to do except play a trump 
Meanwhile Accountant Dora is doing the sums in her spreadsheet and sees NINE is possible and starts bouncing in her managerial chair as the BOSS looks through the window. She can see that slowly a bright light is coming down the tunnell and its not a train ..its Cobol Kate cycling the Club Suit as reserve trumps. Eventually South will ruff for the final time and win her 4th trick but Accountant Dora will be totting up the score for 3S doubled and made .. 

What a player is this Cobol Katie. 

She might replace Declan the Donplayer or Shane the Unblocker in my stories. 

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