Saturday, October 31, 2020

Connor Doyle struggle in Ireland Imps Pairs ..Cobol Cate offers help on Grand Slam

 Ireland Imps Pairs every night at 830pm Interesting hands but I never look at them beforehand

Last I spotted legendary golf rescue coach loitering near the bottom of the imp pairs. Doctor Sean who can save you 10 shots on your golf game by using the rescue loft club. 

So the first example saw our boys take a crack at Pat Coffeys 2C contract but they only managed 
to collect down 2 instead of the possible 3 down. 
First at trick 6 Culbaire slipped by continuing a small trump ..maybe it was a misclick or maybe it was after the good play by Coffey of ducking trumps and leading Doyle into the swamp. 
However Coffey fired his gain right back like the Monaghan GAA team today. 
7 points up at half time and they lost it ... 
Play continued until trick 11 when Doctor Connor skewed his mouse off the Heart 8 and onto the big Spade. Missing out on the class play of H8 which would have skewered Coffey for another 200. 
On this board Doyle and Connor chose to stop in 3S as they only had 19 combined points. 
Thats reasonable enough. However with 10 tricks available the off form Doyle managed to 
wander into down 1 territory. It looks intuitive to cross ruff but its a better idea to make  a plan 
that is going to get you 9 or 10 tricks as opposed to going plodding and hoping. 
I think they have a thing called hit and hope in the golf 
Down 1 went Doyle and a missed chance of plus imps. 

Board 5 saw Connor not happy with having got in his 1S overcall deciding to introduce
the EIGHT high diamond suit totally ignoring zaczac negative double. 
Zaczac doubled again thunderously and the ROBO was listening and PASSED. 
4 down and 800 for the robozac. 

Next we found the Connor Doyle combo boom into 7S but unfortunately the play did not 
match the bidding. Most grand slams need a little bit of Matt Forde ....a famous Wexfordman 
from the GAA. 
Our man won the opening lead with Diamond king and set off drawing 3 rounds of trumps.
I cannot see any possible way for this line to make the contract and I expected better from declarer Doyle who can play a little some days. However this was a non-play day. 
So I asked Cobol Cate ... 

She said I win Diamond King 
T2 3 4 I play AK clubs and ruff a club.
T567 I draw 3 rounds of trumps and end on Spade Queen. 
trick 8 I ruff my last club
trick 9 A of Hearts ....I  think its from Austria ..Vienna coup
trick 10 small diamond to QUEEN ..
trick 11 ..I play my last trump and watch the gallant opponent with HEART QUEEN and long diamonds
CRUMBLE ...13 tricks made

Board 9 the intrepid duo pounced on Mollyhen from Athy in 3H. 
The lads took the first 4 tricks and then failed to take the setting trick and 
Molly headed for home in 3HX and 530.

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