Thursday, September 24, 2020

Board 5 Malahide Gala Pairs it a blindspot or what went wrong

 Ireland Imp Pairs takes place every night at 830pm ..Good hands decent opponents.. a couple of cute hoors ..a village idiot and a clown ..

Meanwhile in the leading club in the Broadmeadows area something bad happened. We had the opening event of the season and this year it was online due to the pandemic. However the pandemic of generosity was clear on board 5 as all defenders offered up free contracts 

Many defenders as west led off with spade 6 keeping their nice diamond suit for later earnings when partner gets on play. However it all seems to have gone wrong after trick 1. So what went wrong did 9 10 and 11 tricks happen when the flogger indicates 7 tricks are the most for declarer. One thing is for sure the Malahide defenders are very HONEST and most generous. 

Looking at all 4 hands one can see .. 5 diamond tricks and a spade Ace but something went very wrong for most of these defenders.
Maybe they were still waiting to do their SIGNAL as declarer wrapped up the 10th or 11th trick. However something is clearly wrong with defensive signalling or thinking in Malahide Regional. 
I understand that the clubs motto is CARADEAS TRI IOMANIOCHT ...but its a long time since I have seen that written down and I think it comes from the past and means something like "We play hard ..We beat all but we remain friends " ...However these days something is wrong with the defenders ...
Maybe its because its matchpoints and they are afraid to give away an extra trick or maybe its because in the old days the jeweller would be shining his diamond ring with his handkerchief after leading a spade. 

At table 1 the mighty William Ronan is on declare and the defence leads spade and wins Spade Ace .. 
Returns a spade and the mighty claims 11 tricks quickly or slowly ..I don't know as I was not there. 

1NT and a Stayman auction saw Ronan bid 2D response ... Could West have mentioned a double of this 2D to indicate interest or is it too risky .. Anyway did not happen and 76% to NS. 

Table 2 and we have the powerful Doyles versus some other defenders ... Here Lando opened 1D so that might stop any switching to diamonds despite the singleton in the dummy ... 
Spade 6 lead and Ace wins and spade 10 is returned for some reason and Lando does the Billy Ronan thing and its 11 tricks and 76% 

Table 3 ..any better luck .. maybe we have ping pong man on defence .. a table tennis superstar of the past ... No its not Alan Roughneed.. 
1D 1H 1N 3N ...and a spade 6 is led and the Ping Pong man slaps it with his Spade Ace bat .. and slams back his partners lead and South does the Billy Ronan thing and its 11 tricks and 76% NS. 

Table 4 and its the mighty Wed night star Facelle in the East seat but all that happens is more 76% NS. 

I blame Patrico Engoldsby  ... Rule number 1 ...Make sure you return partners suit ...its sacrosinct or sacrosanc or some word like that ... I know there are folk who still have a folder 27 years later with the Patrico Engoldsby notes from the first bridge class ... and Rule number 1 is ..return partners suit .. and rule number 2 is return partners suit .. and rule number 3 is return partners suit .. 

However what if you did not get lessons from Patrico Engoldsby ... what if Patrico Engoldsby never said return partners suit ... what if Patrico Engoldsby said ... ARCH ... 

Analyze the LEAD 
Review the BIDDING 
Count the TRICKS 
Have a PLAN ... 

The above is normally for declarer but it probably works for a defender as well ... 

Anyway if you did go to lessons with whomever was the bridge teacher in your local area ... those were lessons to start you off as a bridge player ....after the lessons ended you were meant to develop your game and beat all the opponents .. 

You can perform your own analysis on the other 20 odd tables of Masters and Inter As but all left out a plus score North South ..when none is there ... 

Several other boards like board 15 were much the same generocity 

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