Saturday, September 26, 2020

Board 9 Gala Pairs Malahide ... continuing the Blindspot series

 Ireland Imps Pairs takes place every night at 830pm. Good hands no Pass outs .. a little shook up and stirred. 

Meanwhile I was perusing through the Malahide Gala Pairs results and the Declarer had played and noted the Declarer had taken part and noted several boards for declarer to examine. However that is another story, Tonight we are going to look at Board 9. 

Many declarers made 3NT despite being short of tricks and eventhough they got a fine lead into AJT. 

14 declarers made 3NT .. and 12 of them received a killing HEART lead so what went wrong. Well I don't know what happened but seems the defence dropped their guard. Lets look at the first one. 9v36

Small H lead and when declarer tackled clubs they both duck .. East is correct but West should take as this club is the 9th trick for declarer .. West wins club and puts heart thru and its down 1. Both ducking club means 9 tricks is there. 

Next exhibit saw a HK lead and all went well until Defender East failed to cash the last winning heart for some reason ...maybe was a misclick or maybe a misbrain or something but declarer was left away. 

We will look at one more ... Facelle and Picolino ... same as first exhibit they ducked the club and that is declarers 9th trick .. This declarer actually made 11 tricks when sheet indicates it should only be 8 

There are 8 or 9 more exhibits of declarer being allowed make a contract that should be down. 

Link to BBO result

Maybe its because its matchpoints and the defence are afraid of giving away the 10th trick. Who knows but the 3NT folk should all be going down on the above board .. 

The Ireland Imps Pairs is a nightly competition of IMPS scoring and is a great training session. 

Ireland Imps Webpage

Have a look at previous results  above link .. We also run a ladder competition of best 40 results added together in the year. 

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