Monday, September 21, 2020

Ireland Imps Pairs every night 830pm

 Folks every night at 830pm  we hold the Ireland imps pairs. 28 boards with lots of bidding and very few 4333 hands or 1NT PPP hands. Competitive bidding a plenty ... the opposition here interfere and interfere lots. 

Here is a hand where one opponent called his opponent something not so good 

South found a double of Easts opening 1S bid and West expressed sorrow about this bid. 
North South found their way into 5D doubled and disrupted Wests drive towards a slam.
However maybe Wests 4S bid was a little timid with such a strong hand. Playing 5 card majors we can hardly call Qxxxx of spades as 2.5 losers ..its probably 1 loser at most. So the hand is very slammish.
Being favourable vulnerability its open door for South to try any sacrificial move.

The result of Sept 19th above

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