Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Match 4 Mixed Trials qualification

Good morning folks.

As some will know trials for Euro Mixed teams took place in Galway last weekend.
 I have already indicated my view on the format but that was looking through a players eyes.
From the selectors or organizers side one hopes to arrive at the best 3 pairs and hope they will function as a team.
The results show the organizers got close to the best selection.

Cian Holland and Anna Onishuk ... Anna the most competitive lady in the country at the moment meaning she is a damn good player. along with new Mixed Partner Cian Holland who at one time was touted to be the next Thomas Hanlon so thats one good pair.

Gay Keaveney and Teresa Rigney .. top of many piles of rish bridge events for years.

Michael McGloughlin and Heidi Lillis also regulars at the top end of many leaderboards for many years. McGloughlin and Keavney played for Ireland after putting together an impromptu partnership back in the early 1990s  i think.

The next runner would be Enda Glynn and Wooden Spoons Kenny. but they did not run fast enough.
So the organizers got a good result.

In order to sample the athmosphere I am playing some of the matches against JACK.
As I had slipped down close to the bottom after 10 8.65 and 4.21 matches I turned my robot opponents down a notch and was rewarded with 2 games going down. One was a wrong game and the other they went in 3NT with no HEART stop. So I won match 4 by 18 imps.

Match 4 Mixed Trials qualifier.

So after 4 matches I have about 39.5 VPs leaving me in about 14th place of 27
Still well short of qualifiying if  I was playing.

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