Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Duais Peadar Sept 22nd

This weekend down in Athlone at the Hodsom Bay hotel on one of the corners of Lough Ree the Presidents Prize will take place. A fine venue which even has parking for boats. So you could cruise to the Presidents Prize although there would have been a major blow out there today.  108 pairs are entered already including the incredible BJ O'Brien and the faultless Sean O'Lubaigh.
Funny thing though I did not see any Peters entered in the event. Guess the President is not allowed win his prize. At least Una Walsh is playing so thats okay but its the young chap opposite her one needs to watch.
After that it is Lady Milne trials with the long eye on Orlando for the World championship event starting on September 21st I believe.

The Talk that never was

The link above is to Bridgewinners where a long article about the legendary Blue Team exists.
However that might have been the way cards was played in that long ago era. Just like in my local drinking den.
Last night Declan the Don player pulled me up for playing out of turn ..,,,
I only had the SPADE 8 and had to follow suit ..I was not ready for his long pause and expected him to play in tempo. So when my card hit the table in tempo he started to cry about playing out of turn.
I watched the next hand and 3 times Declan played out of turn and nobody noticed.
Heart Heart Jack and the last chap had to play the 9. In Don the 9 is a scoring card and the cardplay is the same as bridge and whist. So now Declan the Blue Donplayer knows his partner has Heart Ace so wheels out the Heart King out of turn. His partner throws the 5 another scoring card and the game moves swiftly on despite my protects about out of turn .. Declan Donplayer satys .. "Eamon you are not playing in this one so shut up ..and let us get on with it.... our way "

Anyway enough about Declan the Donplayer ....

This morning I finished off the match against challengerW and it was a large success.
Here is the video ..

Galligan v ChallengerW

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