Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mixed Trials Galway plus new 8 board video

Good morning folks

I will start by sticking up an 8 board video  I played against a friend of mine this morning.
He said he wants more videos and he told me say what you like as its all learning for me and just remember  I won the last 3 matches. Don't forget to tell the punters this inter B is taking you down.
So here are the first 8.
First 8 boards v Inter B

Last weekend the Mixed Trials were held in Galway. A large entry of 27 pairs showed up. The conditions of contest published before the event indicated if a number too large for a full round robin showed up there would be a 7 round Swiss Pairs to eliminate 15 pairs. Now it does not sound too good that 56% of the entrants will be on their way home after less than one third of the event.
Anyway thats the way it was ... over half the field booted out almost before they got warmed up.
And half of those 15 booted pairs had a sitout due to the uneven number of entrants.
The organisers could have invited a progressive Peggy Bayer pair to play instead of the sitout.
Good experience for them for the future. In this field we would still expect a pair like this to be near bottom but the sitout is gone. So above we mentioned less than one third of the event. For those who bagged a sitout it meant they only played 42 boards and they are gone.
First of all the above list contains many very regular top end CBAI players. A few names standout as well known players Peter Goodman Derek 'Gorman Michael McDonagh Terry Walsh and several other players who have represented CBAI in international competition. As many as 9 pairs contain at least one international but they are gone after less than 30% of the event.

Now  have played the first 14 boards of the event against my computers.  I was using Jack as my partner and two Jacks as my opponents. Match 1  lost by 3 imps and Match 2 was a draw.
This would leave me on 18.65 after 2 matches in 16th place.

Now just to show  I am not messing I will play the 3rd 7 board match and publish the video.
I played the 7 board match 3 and  lost by 16 imps. I dont' know what that is worth but at best I get 3.5 VPs. So  I am on about 22VPs out of 60 after 3 matches .
Here is the video of those 7 boards. Now my partner failed to tell me about club support on the slam hand.  I am a supporter of partners. When partner bids a suit that I have 4 card support I let them know. Simple as. However  I dropped a defensive trick in 3Cx also and lost a partscore. So a deserved hammering.
Mixed Trials match 3 video
So looks like  I won't be qualifying either.

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