Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Another hand from the same club as before ...this a squeeze hand

 Good evening all 

I am hoping to start a training club/group. Something like the original Ireland Imp Pairs which was packed to rafters at start of COVID but has now been flattened by the bricks and mortar clubs asserting their presence on BBO. I think I counted over 100 CBAI accounts but I could be wrong. 

So if you have any interest in bridge training in bidding play and defense provided through the medium of say 12-15 board tournaments send an email to indicating same. 

I will generate a list of members and email addresses and see how we go. I am aiming at the Area Master and upwards group but nobody gets turned away. I have lots of hands from various bridge tomes that I gathered up over the COVID. 

So last night

Our man found himself working at 3C contract on the Spade King lead 
He has a couple of club losers and a couple of spade losers and probably loses a 3rd club somehow for starters. 
At trick 5 our brave soul reaches this position and East leads spade 9 and our man bravely ruffs with trump queen in dummy more in hope than anything else. Happily Mr Over-ruffer is ready and bangs the trump KING  on that thus ending any hope of a 3rd trump for him. 
And after 8 tricks our man having disdained the heart finesse and not bothered unblocking the Jack but having managed to draw trumps .....was in the above interesting position. 
He cashed Ace of Hearts and now is ready to execute the squeeze play. 

Run the last 2 clubs and smile at West as you offer him the choice of poisons 

Pick your poison was the old saying 
Real end of story was he cashed Heart King and took Diamond finesse ......but the lad in West 
decided to hold up his King so our brave soul cashed the Diamond Ace and claimed. 

What an amazing game this is ...

Of course maybe it was a misclick by West but he did not mention this when interviewed this 
morning on Eamon Galligan TV. North South did not notice the squeeze or their excellent luck but they were well aware of their 89% score as they informed me after 4 boards that they were running on 92% average .. 

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