Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A hand from a bridge club I was in last night

 Here is a hand I watched by accident last night ...well part of a hand ..I will put the full hand later on further down the page. 

We started off with the 4th highest lead of the 2 of spades. Now I fully understand that the 4th highest lead is the most suggested lead in bridge but there should be some additional brain usage along with it. 
In my time I recall holding J54 in 3NT opposite 76 in a suit and things were looking grim. Happily the opponent found 4th highest from AKQ2. True story although it was not in the Regent or Bankers. It was from my earlier days. 
However the above hand was on lead against 3NT and spades broke 333 around the table 
So not a good start for the defence. The 5s in these diagrams indicate the possibility of getting 3NT down one.

We move onto trick 6 where we note spades have not been played since but looks like declarer and the defence played clubs. North on lead again leads off the club 5 blowing the contract again .. in a different suit. A higher semi master club like 10 or 9 was fine ..
Now we move on to declarer who is feeling good at this stage. Two good returns so far to help him 
on his way so he decides one good turn deserves another and promptly endplays himself by playing the club 7 for some reason. He might have tried a spade to the King setting up his 9th trick. 

So its on to the North defender who looking at a wonderful dummy might be about 
to deliver the final nail in the master declarers coffin ..but it is not to be 
North after perusing the dummy or not cashes the spade ACE and gives the remaining 4 tricks to 
a grateful declarer. 

Full hand and bidding is above. 
Beating the contract 1 off would have gathered 70% for defender instead of the 
earned 0%. Eventhough it looks like 3 tricks were tossed away it was probably only 
the same trick several times. Declarer made 3NT for 100%. 

I only post this hand for education or demonstration of how easy it is
 for things to go wrong at bridge. No doubt this declarer was busy watching France beating Germany in the soccer last night and not paying too much attention to the cards. 
Another possibility might be he was faced by unbeatable superstars of his area and just presumed he was beaten from the off. 
Anyway France did beat Germany in the end. 

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