Friday, June 08, 2018

Euro Teams Round 4 ENGLAND

In the final match of the first day IRELAND took on local rivals England. This was a repeat of many Camrose matches between the teams.

Board 18 was first blood. England bid 3NT Ireland deemed it 1NT .. 6 imps to England

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
8 2
Q 8 5
K 7 2
A 9 8 6 4
K 4 3
A 10 7 4
A 8 6 5
EW 5; EW 3N; EW 5; EW 4; EW 2; Par −450
1 Pass
2 Pass2 NTPass
3 NTAll pass
ahollan1: both irish pairs play a version of carrot club

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
A 10 7 3 2
A J 7
9 5 4 3
Q 6 5
K 9 6 4
9 7
Q J 10 8
9 8 4
10 3
A J 10 8 5 3
K 2
Q 8 5 2
K Q 6 2
A 7 6
NS 4N; NS 4; NS 4; NS 3; NS 2; Par +630
Pass1 NT
Pass2 Pass2 
Pass3 NTAll pass
1. W J326
2. W 84KA
3. S 24J3
4. N 28JQ
5. W Q5 87
6. W 109 3 2
7. W 94A6
8. E 10QKA
9. N 7---
 dburn: if you ever downgraded anything it would be this
dburn: but no one ever does
dburn: still, if you did you might miss a game, which in these days requires a dispensation from the Pope
ahollan2: 25 hanlon playing 4  north on texas transfer auction so no chance for winning lead from defence
dburn: here the contract is bad enough that declarer is going to be almost forced to make it
dburn: but not this way - I was expecting him just to run the jack of spades, but maybe that's not the way to play
dburn: certainly he took his best chance in the spade suit in isolation, since he could collect  Qx with East but not West
dburn: but with regard to the whole hand I'm not so sure - easier when you can see all 52

ENGLAND played 3NT and getting the spade wrong drifted off with 3 CLUBS Diamond and Spade 

Meanwhile in the other room Chris Jagger had a weak 2 diamond available and used this club.  

2 Pass
PassDblAll pass
 jacksond: Fee Fie foe fum. What comes after that
jacksond: After a few queries. The fee fie foe fum line and what follows is by the Giant in 'jack and the Beanstalk'
jacksond: Looks like the Giant was correct

Jagger 2D and Hanlon doubled on the way out and McGann was happy to do business. 

800 added to 200 was a grand and that is 14 imps 

Board 27 and here we have two different views 

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
7 4 3
A 10 8 2
Q J 10 7 5
Q J 9 8 6 5
10 9 8 4 2
K 5 3
A Q 5
A K 9 8 4
10 2
J 9 7 6 4
J 7 6 3
6 2
EW 5; EW 5; EW 2N; EW 2; Par −450
2 Pass2 NT!Pass
3 !Pass3 !Pass
4 All pass
1. N KA34
2. E A253
3. E K1064
4. E A235
5. E K6 Q7
6. E 4 7 810
7. W Q7 3 4
8. W 9 2Q6
9. E 5J2 8
Made 6 — EW +480
dburn: still, I suppose those of us who donwgrade hands from time to time should feel vindicated when contracts like that don't make
ahollan2: 26 jagger opened natural weak 2  and is playing there doubled
dburn: there wasn't any question of upgrading the South hand at the other table on 26, because East opened a perfectly sound weak 2 , was doubled, and will lose 14 or 16 IMPs as a result 

2 Pass2 NT!Pass
3 Pass4 Pass
4 Pass4 Pass
5 Pass6 All pass
 ahollan1: 3  shows min
ahollan1: 2  just promises nothing about 2nd suit
jacksond: Looks like Heart Ace needs to be led to stop 12 tricks in spades
ahollan1: guessing 4  = Preempt KC // 4  = 0 keycards // 4  = ask Q // 5  =  Q but no biddable king
jacksond: So now a bucket of imps one way or other on Hanlon's lead
ahollan1: preempt kc aka poorman's keycard steps 0, 1, 1+Q, 2, 2+Q

IRELAND stayed in game ...ENGLAND bid SLAM ... England got the favourable lead and that was 11 imps the wrong way ..  Hanlon led a normal looking CLUB QUEEN and that was that. 
THE ACE of HEARTS lead meant 11 imps the other way ... so 22 imps swing and in match terms thats about 6 VPS difference .... Somewhat unfortunate ... lose 11.5 to 8.5 or WIN 14-6 based on one unlikely opening lead. 

However there are 16 boards in a match so presume one board is not the end of it ..

Lots of information can be found at the above link ..

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