Friday, June 08, 2018

Euro Teams 2018 Round 3 Ukraine

In Round 3 of many Ireland Open took on Ukraine who were bringing up the rear. One hoped for a calming victory here.

After 5 boards it was 7-5 to Ireland after 2 small swings.
Board 6 arrived

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
Q 7 6
A 6 5 2
A 9 8 3 2
A 9 4 2
A 10
K J 8 4
6 5 4
NS 2; EW 2; NS 3; NS 1N; NS 2; Par +110

Our NS went down in a reasonable 3NT when a HEART was led ... The defence held 10 Hearts and the attack owned 2 solid stoppers but it was not enough with 10 cards coming at you. 
In the other room our defenders chose to lead the oppositions longest suit and that was a help to the opps. I don't know the bidding so cannot comment but normally its a good idea to get ones 10 card fit going on defence. 10 Imps to Ukraine .. .

Next board 8 

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
A K 10 9 6 5
6 2
A K J 9 8
Q J 3
K Q J 7 5
Q 7 4
J 5
7 4
A 8 4
6 5 3
A Q 10 9 3
8 2
10 9 3
10 2
K 8 7 6 4 2
NS 4; NS 5; W 1N; W 1; Par +420

Hanlon McGann reached and made 4S while at the other table Boland Moran bid to 4H and were allowed play there going quietly down 3. For good measure Ukraine took a stick to the 4S and boosted the score to +590 10 imps to IRELAND. 

Board 13 looks like everyones quiet part score but two of our heroes managed to reach the strange heights of the 5 level. A Ukraine chap threw a hammer at that and collected 1100 on a part score hand.

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
K 7 3 2
A 3 2
Q 8 2
Q J 8
J 10 6
K 10 8 6
A K 6
A 4 3
A 9 5
J 5 4
7 4
10 9 7 6 2
Q 8 4
Q 9 7
J 10 9 5 3
K 5
EW 2; EW 3; EW 1; NS 1; Par −110

15 imps to the Ukraine ... One can only presume our lads had a hand out of a different board. 
I have no bidding so I dunno what happened ..but it was 15 imps the wrong way.

Board 16 was the final board for this match 
Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
A J 9
10 9
9 7 6 3
Q 10 9 5
Q 10 7 6
A K Q 8 5 3
K 4
K 5 2
A Q J 8
K J 7 4 3
8 4 3
J 7 4 2
10 5 2
A 8 2
W 5; EW 4; E 4; EW 3N; EW 3; EW 3; Par −650

Both Easts declared 3NT ... 
One made it and the other failed so it was 12 imps the wrong way .. 

27 imps gone in the late boards could be tiredness or just bad luck. The tricks are there and it probably comes down to a good guess in Clubs. However table pressure is tougher than Eamon looking at 4 hands. 

Anyway without the last 2 boards its a draw but IRELAND need to get moving fast. 

Meanwhile in the Ladies qualifiers Kelly Rogers and O'Rourke are going well. For some reason Ireland own 6 of the entrants out of the 44 pairs in the Ladies Pairs. This is way aboive average. 

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