Saturday, June 09, 2018

Euro Teams 2018 Round 12 Czech Republic

On Saturday afternoon Ireland faced the Czech republic. Maybe we could win this match.

The first 9 boards saw Ireland generate a 17-9 lead and we were hopeful

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
10 9 8 6
K Q 7 5
8 7
J 6 5
J 6 4
A K J 9 3
A K 7 3
10 9 8 3 2
10 6 4
Q 9 4 2
A K Q J 5 4 3
Q 5 2
10 8
NS 3; EW 2; EW 3; EW 2; Par +140

Both rooms NS bid to 4
♠ ... both Wests held AK AK ..their WEST cashed 4 tricks our WEST managed to leave one of them behind. and that was 12 imps out. 

On Board 27 we seemed to get 14 imps for doubling a strange 4C contract and game in other room ..
On board 28 we lost  6 imps for 4S down 1 and 3S made. We led 31-24 with 4 boards left 
Board 29
North Deals
Both Vul
9 6 3
A Q 10 3 2
K 2
J 8 7
K 2
K J 9 8 7 6 4
10 4 3
A 10 8 5 4
A Q J 9 8 6
3 2
Q J 7
7 5
A K Q 10 9 6 5
EW 4; EW 5; EW 2; NS 1; Par −620

Our normally dependable Hanlon McGann got ambushed in a normal looking 5C and got hit for 1100
while in the other room our lads brought back 170 for 4D up 2 and 170 
14 imps gone in the bin .. 

So Final Score was 40-31 to Czech Republic and 7.45 VPS for Ireland. 

Things are just going badly at the moment for this Ireland team. It cannot continue but the distance behind is more than KIlkenny could ever claw back methinks. However I hope to be proven wrong. 

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