Yesterday while reviewing the Moran Team exit from the Euro Open Teams I noted the loss of 14 imps on Board 19 in the 2nd half of the match. Given MORAN last the match by about 5 or 6 imps this was a large cause of the loss. Now I understand that the 2 way 1 club opening is flawed as its too easy for punters to get in there and interfere over 1C with no danger to themselves. However the problem is if you interfere you might solve problems for the Carrot lads.
Anyway here is the hand ..
Now out in my medium bidding club in Malahide which has many limited bidders I think they will all manage to declare in a spade contract .. but some might only reach a game contract ..
However we will forgive them that as at least they found the right strain.
I want to know how does Irelands 2nd strongest pair manage to end up declaring in 6C on a 7-0
fit. Straight away we are depending on a 3-3 break in trumps .. as we are also off the HEART ACE.
This is madness or a flaw or something went wrong or maybe Hanlon McGann were not seated North South. Even if this is so another capable pair in Carroll and Garve would be there instead.
C:\>cd gib
C:\gib>bridge -ULAscNSIT 1000
GIB Version 6.1.3, 1/4/03
Enter S hand: q98752.kj87.j82
Enter S hand: q98752.kj87.j82.
Enter N hand: AK3.3.AT.AKQ7542
Enter dealer: s
Enter vul (none, N/S, E/W, both): E/W
dealt 250 hands at time 0.02
book bid [default] P, considering P 1C-7N
prognosticate at time 0.02
complete at time 30.81; size 35
analyzed 35 deals (35 current) at 45.52 sec
P: 10.27 (prog 26.43 par 34.37)
1S: 9.88 (prog 16.43 par 34.37)
3S: 9.81 (prog 13.71 par 16.94)
2S: 9.79 (prog 31.71 par 34.37)
1H: 8.50 (prog -90.86 par 34.37)
4S: 8.18 (prog -143.14 par -69.91)
2H: 8.10 (prog -140.43 par 34.37)
1D: 8.05 (prog -107.77 par 34.37)
3H: 7.11 (prog -214.14 par 16.94)
1C: 6.77 (prog -233.71 par 34.37)
I bid P (45.55 sec)
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- points
Enter bid for W: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- points
dealt 250 hands at time 0.03
book bid [rule 10508] 2C, considering P 1C-7N
prognosticate at time 0.03
complete at time 23.33; size 35
analyzed 89 deals (89 current) at 69.16 sec
2C: 9.40 (prog 413.60 par 686.58)
1C: 7.79 (prog 315.84 par 686.58)
2N: 7.50 (prog 306.18 par 644.00)
5C: 7.39 (prog 280.45 par 594.00)
4N: 7.17 (prog 268.76 par 643.89)
3C: 5.83 (prog 172.98 par 686.58)
1N: 5.70 (prog 183.26 par 683.89)
4C: 5.65 (prog 163.60 par 672.88)
2S: 5.10 (prog 130.56 par 686.58)
3N: 4.68 (prog 139.00 par 570.97)
I bid 2C (69.16 sec)
That bid shows: Strong two club -- 23+ points; forcing to 2N
Enter bid for E: p
That bid shows: No suitable call --
dealt 250 hands at time 1.06
book bid [rule 12726] 2D, considering P 2D-7N
prognosticate at time 1.06
complete at time 8.17; size 35
analyzed 40 deals (40 current) at 22.03 sec
2S: 8.11 (prog 499.00 par 717.48)
2D: 7.53 (prog 419.50 par 717.48)
3S: 6.77 (prog 428.63 par 717.48)
3N: 6.34 (prog 363.00 par 631.05)
4S: 5.62 (prog 316.88 par 705.48)
2H: 5.38 (prog 323.00 par 717.48)
4H: 4.75 (prog 247.63 par 705.48)
4N: 3.21 (prog 163.00 par 425.30)
5S: 2.91 (prog 143.75 par 577.23)
6S: 2.03 (prog 125.00 par 351.60)
I bid 2S (22.05 sec)
That bid shows: Positive -- 5+ S; 11- HCP; 6+ 8421 HCP in S; 8-12 points; forcing
Enter bid for W: ?
South: 5+ S; 11- HCP; 6+ 8421 HCP in S; 8-12 points; forcing
West: 11- HCP; 12- points
North: 23+ points; forcing
Enter bid for W: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- points
dealt 0 hands at time 9.52
Trouble generating sample; generation failure set to 1
dealt 0 hands at time 15.08
Trouble generating sample; generation failure set to 2
dealt 0 hands at time 19.56
Trouble generating sample; generation failure set to 3
unable to generate useful sample; returning book bid 3C
I bid 3C (19.58 sec)
That bid shows: 5+ C; 23+ points
Enter bid for E: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 20- points
dealt 250 hands at time 2.91
book bid [rule 839] 3H, considering P 3D-7N
prognosticate at time 2.93
complete at time 6.79; size 35
analyzed 89 deals (89 current) at 27.62 sec
4S: 7.16 (prog 341.24 par 600.82)
3D: 7.04 (prog 347.08 par 631.16)
3H: 6.79 (prog 297.64 par 631.16)
3S: 5.92 (prog 280.51 par 631.16)
4H: 5.51 (prog 238.37 par 600.82)
3N: 5.35 (prog 240.73 par 582.65)
4N: 4.83 (prog 200.51 par 449.56)
5H: 4.29 (prog 184.66 par 476.10)
P: 4.02 (prog 115.39 par 110.34)
5S: 3.80 (prog 130.84 par 439.02)
I bid 4S (27.64 sec)
That bid shows: 11- HCP; strong rebiddable S; 6+ 8421 HCP in S; 8-12 points
Enter bid for W: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- points
rule 1360 (73)
I bid 5S (-0.00 sec)
That bid shows: 5+ C; 2+ S; 23+ points
Enter bid for E: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 20- points
captained auction; returning bood bid
rule 229 (62)
I bid 6S (-0.00 sec)
That bid shows: 11- HCP; strong rebiddable S; 6+ 8421 HCP in S; 8-12 points
Enter bid for W: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- points
rule 120 (91)
I bid P (-0.00 sec)
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 5+ C; 2+ S; 23+ points
Enter bid for E: p
That bid shows: No suitable call -- 20- points
Enter play for W: Enter play for W:
Even my crazy GIB robot from the late 1990s can bid 6S although it plays strong 2C opening..
but there it is in Black and White ...
I recall one time many years ago playing against Thomas Hanlon in the Regent and on making an off centre bid ...he commented ..
"Eamon you did not get that bid out of your computer .. "
Well the computer strikes back ...
So what went wrong ..and can we fix it for the future ...
or did Hanlon McGann just play BASHWOOD or PUNTWOOD and presume partner had a club card. It seems absurd ....
It cost Ireland a place in the quarter final ..
Here are two auctions to reach 6 spades
trivial for Shillelagh
1C 1S
2D etc................
2¨ strong GF 3+ card support for major
asks major length/strength WWS+
Mom and Pop bidding
5D 0
5H (askQ) 6H Qs+Kh
6S 1430
I am beaten by this development .. maybe Hanlon McGann denies a void in the bidding
or maybe North pulled out the wrong bidding card at the end ..
It just beats me .. and my GIB program too ..
Hold on to the horses ...It is slowly dawning on me that this session might have been live on
BBO and I did not watch it ..

Ooops I missed the live action .. Did not think to look on BBO to watch live ..
McGann wonders "Why so brutal "
Maybe it agrees spades with 4NT .. Hmmmm or maybe 6C was choice of slams..