Monday, June 17, 2013

The Regent is under siege

Last Friday night the Summer Bonanza started in the Regent. Paula had every reason to sing but I don't know if she did. 24 tables turned up if you include the Club Manager Declan Byrne and presumably some Tournament Director. 23.5 tables of players.
The Regent floors were squeaking loudly. This crowd of bridge players was the largest crowd playing in the Regent since Maurice Quinn cruised to victory in the 1994 Graham Cup leaving his partner struggling in a 5D contract on the final board as he went about the more  important business of rushing around to RTE to deliver some letter or message.
The lure of the 1000 euro brought in some heavy hitters including matchpoint specialists Karel deRaeymaker and Anna Onishuk or maybe she has a new name these days but I have not seen it in writing.
Anyway the result was inevitable ....
I show the top 12 pairs here and nobody could argue that we have lots of trials players here in this group so to score the best part of 75% is a serious achievement.
At least 17 of the 24 shown here have represented their country in bridge at some level.
I don't know about Harry Torney and Brian Dolan regarding caps as they played their main bridge before my time but Brian Dolan is of international level and Harry seldom lets much away when he plays. Delaney being an ex-irish chess champion/international is also an accomplished bridge player/national champion.
3 more nights of this event and you need different partners. The Great Mulall decided that the game in Malahide was more suitable to his skills on Friday night and duly collected the winning ticket with a barnstorming performance. He should be available for prospective partners who require a boost to their score in the Regent Summer Bonanza. Galligan approached 12 different players in the 24 hours before the Regent Summer bonanza but found all were already playing or in Nice or Paris or not feeling well.
So when he got the call to head for Malahide off he went.
Is Open all summer and is a fine venue for bridge .. It does not have stairs like the Regent so no climbing up those stairs. It does not have Declan Byrne either and its players are less intense and there is no fear of getting chopped up by Karel and Anna. Current internationals BJ and Ranald seemed to meet a painful demise on Friday at the hands of Anna and Karel. One of them sawed off a 4S contract and Karel/Anna sent it back.
Meanwhile on todays Wbridge5 Galligan has paused at 77% after 10 boards while he awaits the arrival of BJOBoru on the 1st tee. Had to stop for a while to write this blog.
Lots of decent Irish players having a little go at this 16 board daily tourney where you play as many or as few boards as you like
Most of the names are known to regular BBO and Irish players.

Above are the links for the last two articles 
Finally tomorrow Eamon will facilitate some teams matches.on BBO,
Login from 8pm onwards if interested. 
David Synnott indicated he will attempt to supply a team of Juniors/under30s
Valerie Hand has already indicated her team will show up.
We had about 12 folks last week who showed up and played
I will do my best to make sure everybody gets a game. 
We played 3 games of 10 boards last week. Everybody who showed up seemed to enjoy the matches.
On Wednesday night I will be doing some bidding practice with some of the Irish Open Team going to Ostend. The table will be permission required to view due to the possibility of competitors looking in. 
I will accept any Irish folk who wish to look in ..Should be sometime after 8pm on Wednesday night.
watch for eamongall on BBO.
I can facilitate bidding practice for any pairs interested. I have no complaints so far. Of course pairs can do the bidding practice themselves if they choose but most think they are good enough already.
Others reckon they don't need it as they play WEASEL CONVENTION if in doubt

Weasel is the best bridge convention ever invented. Pat Walshe used to say lebensohl was a way of life but he never came across the Weasel convention. 

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