Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pokerstars Galway Bridge August 3rd 4th

As some people may have seen since the Holmes Wilson various pieces of literature and information have been doing the rounds regarding a major bridge event in Galway in August.

 The Pokerstars festival coincides with the Galway Races which run from July 29th to August 4th.
The bridge takes place on August 3rd /4th
Some wide awake folk might notice the 25 link. The inaugural World 25 championship will take place
at this festival as well ..July 27-28 .. This is a game well known in the West.
My brothers parents in law play it. I won 5 euros playing against them a few years ago. They are still looking for revenge. 25 is also played in a corner of my local community centre bar on a Monday evening with matchsticks as money. I am not sure of the conversion rate.

The list of Prizes is below ..for the bridge is below

Hi Eamon

The Galway event is open to Intermediate A standard and above and the prize fund will be awarded as follows

1st.        €5,000
2nd.       €2,000
3rd.        €1,000

Session prizes €300 x 3

1st Area Master        €350
2nd Area Master.      €150

1st Intermediate A.    €350
2nd Intermediate A.   €150

Sunday Ascenders.    €150

Best played hand.      €150.       As adjudged by me

As you can see there are a lot of prizes and everyone that attends has something to aim for. Would you mind sending a group email to who ever is on your list as well


I watched Thomas Hanlon play a few hands last night. Here is hand 19

 South John Carroll dealt and opened 1D and with silent opponents the bidding continued
1D 1H
2H 3D
4C 4H
all pass

All the while thru the bidding Hanlon was thinking ..the opponents either have 4S on or have a good sacrifice so how can we get to play in 4H non-vul  unmolested.
Result was 4H minus 1 for +50 to E/W who quickly realized they had a vulnerable 4S available.
Imps was the game in question last night and that would be 13 imps ..
Playing matchpoints much the same auction might happen and E/W won't get many matchpoints for that.
They can play 3S 4C 4S or double 4H for extra value ..

So the moral of this story is get into the bidding fast and out fast. It was suggested at the time that East
might get in over 1H or later over 3D.
Meanwhile Eamon had a go at starting a summertime team event for Ireland players on BBO.
I am happy to report we managed to run 3 10 board team matches with a Team of close to Juniors or recent Juniors playing against some established players.

Just to be topical I called the Teams Pokerstars and Galway in reference to the upcoming Summer event
The players who took part were
David Synnott Richard Boyd Wayne Sommerville and Jordan playing against Emer Joyce Jim Doyle Billy Ronan and Mary Kelly Rogers.
For match 2 Caz O Donnell replaced Jordan
For match 3 James Heneghan and Willem Mevius entered the fray in place of Emer Joyce and Jim Doyle.

Eamon plans to run the same again next Tuesday and all following Tuesdays for the summer.
However if lots of people start turning up some patience and organisation will be required as its tough
to get 8 people lined up for a match at exactly the same time. I press the button and the 8 people must be at their screens in the same minute.
I think all folk enjoyed their matches. We got thru 30 boards in about 2 hours 40 minutes including the time to setup the matches. So how come in some clubs it takes 3.5 hours to play 24 boards.
The Free Wbridge5 tourney continues to be available everyday

See the old Galligan up the top there closely followed by Eddie Fitzgerald and the hobbling  BJ O Brien. 
Tomorrow night its Regent 1000 euro time. I better find a partner for that. Ray McConville is in New Zealand. I asked BJ already but don't think I got any reply. I will try Michael McGloughlin today but he will probably be playing with Heidi. Anyway its over 4 nights and the best 3 scores over the 3 nights count. 
That will do for now. All are welcome in the Regent Friday night. For anybody who does not know it Declan Byrne is the person you will most likely have most contact with as he makes the chocolate coffees and pours the cans of guinness. He can also manage a decent cocktail and I have seen him attempt the trick of juggling behind his back but the stuff ended on the floor most times. I think there was some movie with Tom Cruise as the cocktail maker. Declan is not Tom Cruise though but he is good at cleaning up the floor. 

Thats all for now 
Eamon Galligan

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