Friday, June 07, 2013

The next time you balance over 4S this might happen

In the USBF bridge trials tonight Michael Seamon tried pushing the opps up a level and those opps went up 3 levels and then made the thing. Thats about 1000 points. ...1440 instead of 420.

It will be a while until I see one of these hands again .. Normally you give someone a push from 4S to 5S but don't expect them to take off and bid a GRAND.

After the hand all 4 players left the table ..Seamon went for a smoke .. Levin probably went with him as last I saw he smoked too... Lots of Polish bridge players smoke but I don't know about Pepsi ..and I don't recall Weinstein smoking.

Even the famous BJ O Brien would not bid a GRAND like this..but Thomas McCormac might.
However I best finish the story ..In the other room Sonty and Berky roared into 7S with no pushing so
the 7C lost 2 imps in the end ..

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