Thursday, June 06, 2013

Leaks in your Bridge Game

Leaks in your Game (Anonymous)

Poker players often discuss 'leaks' meaning situations where you perform less then optimally - either trying to eliminate their own or exploiting their opponents.  Leaks are also apparent in bridge but less talked about.  A complete list of leaks could fill the Oxford English Dictionary but I think we can summarize them at a high level.

  1. Declarer play/defense 
  2. System knowledge 
  3. Bidding judgement 
  4. Table presence 
  5. Concentration 
  6. Self control – a steady nerve in the face of good or bad results

Intermediate players have to work on items 1-3.  Bookwork is the best way to sort this out.
Experts grapple with items 4-6.  They are mostly eliminated through experience, review of your own performance and mentoring/coaching.

I think it’s easier for humans to see the faults in others rather than our own so it’s worthwhile discussing your own faults with people you trust - It's a delicate subject.  For example - even in the most loving husband and wife partnerships, both may want to the top dog in the bridge partnership.  For this reason, niggles can easily creep into both the giving of 'constructive discussion' while on the receiving side, it’s all too easy to think the person is over critical and they are having a go.
That's the real reason for a mentor ... you can trust their judgement and there is no axe to grind.

Now, suppose you’re looking for a partner, what should you look for and what are the warning signs?
What to look for -

        - Roughly your own ability
        - An ambition to match your own.  You need a demonstration of this.
                Everyone says they want to win.  Not so many are willing to put in the effort.
        - Even tempered / control of ego

Danger signs -
        - People who are too concerned with their bridge image.
        - Can’t acknowledge a mistake

The first flaw could manifest itself in many ways.  Here are just two –
        - Too passive in the bidding - These people want to be right in the post mortem, they are afraid to depart from the straight and narrow or back their judgement.  As an opponent you can trust their actions and you should exploit that.
        - The decision maker - They want to be in the paper.  They are the opposite of category A as they are always backing their questionable judgement and let’s face it no one has 20-20 vision in the game of bridge.  Against these people in teams, you should tighten up and play down the middle and wait for the big numbers to roll in.

[Aside: Every so often you will come up against very aggressive bidders.  You should not be lured into joining them at their own game – It’s a recipe for disaster as they have more practice in the mindless aggression game.]

Instead of feeding their ego, a good partner should be consumed with maximizing the result of the partnership.  You need equality in terms of the actions both partners take and you need to be consistent in similar scenarios.  Maximizing the partnership result is a long term project and means following system and believing (in) partner.  If partner repeatedly does not believe you in the bidding or the play and (s)he is often right, then you've discovered one of your leaks. You had better shape up or be prepared for partner shipping out!

Beware of toxic bridge partnerships, they are a cancer to you enjoyment of the game. 

Meanwhile out in Turkey Hanlon Carroll continue to battle but need some good boards to make the top bunch. However its a very tough event as all players are top European internationals in the 24 pair final. 

Results can be found here .. 3 tables of vugraph for the Final Session of 24 boards starting at 1315 Ireland time. Calcutta Final A is the one we want. This will be updated in running .. after each set of 3 boards.

Don't forget the buildup to the Regent Summer Bonanza continues with the first game on Friday week
June 14th .. There is a rumour that Declan Byrne will dress up as Mystic Meg or maybe it is another member of the Regent. Regent Summer Bonanza 2013

Eamon Galligan 

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