Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer in Dublin (Waterloo Road)

Good morning all ...

I am hearing there is money to be won for playing bridge in Dublin this summer.
Thats all the details I have for now. However the idea of trousering 1000 euros does appeal to me.
I suspect I would have to attend the Regent Bridge Club about 5 Fridays in a row in order to collect this cash. However with Ostend in progress for some of the same time my chances might be improved.
Depends whether it is imps or matchpoints. I being a student of the matchpoint game would have a great chance. Of course one has to examine the format and conditions of contest.
There is also some cash to be won down in Galway at the Pokerstars Bridge event on Bank Holiday weekend in August. Galway pokerstars BRIDGE
Click above for Fergals description

Starting tonight we have the Senior Camrose event involving the Home Nations.
Details can be found here 
You need to dig a little to find it. Home Internationals and then Senior Camrose.
Ireland are represented by Pat McDevitt Michael McDonagh David Jackson Thomas Gibson Pat Liston and Pat Quinn. 
I had the pleasure of tuning up Pat Quinn and Pat Liston in the bidding gym over the past 2 weeks. 
Hopefully the exercise will pay off. 
Bidding is the most important part of bridge but so few top players want to put in the training.
So its off to Cardiff in the United Kingdom for the Senior Camrose event at 1930 this evening.
for the 1000 euro prize. If you are not in you cannot win. 

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