Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ireland fail narrowly in Senior Camrose

The Senior Camrose Trophy was held in Cardiff last weekend and the Northern Ireland team had the Trophy in the bag but the bag had a hole in it.
The CBAI team represented by Pat McDevitt Michael McDonagh David Jackson Thomas Gibson and the muscular Pat Quinn Pat Liston (after their 5-6 sessions in the bidding gym ) suffered a heavy hit late on Friday night as the powerful England squad overwhelmed them. I have not analyzed the boards yet but that is like the scores I used to suffer against the Pat Walshe teams back in the day.
However fair play to Pat and Rory one night after another heavy defeat they spent the time to go thru the 24 boards with Paul Delaney and Myself. Probably cost us a beer but thats ok.

Meanwhile Mr Chop Chop expects ye all down in Sligo where sun is forcast for the Sligo Congress.
Sligo Bridge Congress brochure     Click the link for the brochure

You can even make the train home to Dublin or anywhere between at 6pm after the Teams event.
See the brochure and you might go there ..
Fergal says go
They having a party there too on Saturday night and you don't have to pay to go in unlike the bridge.

Meanwhile one of the hands that got my attention in the Senior Camrose ...
Anybody fancy getting into the bidding as North South. I spotted that NS had rolled home 4HX in the other room so felt somewhat disappointed that our lads could not enter the bidding. 
However it is not so easy to get into the bidding at all ..
Jan Martel took the bait and defended Jackson and Gibson to the hilt. I felt that with 10+ clubs in the game between North and West that a 1H bid from Jackson might get the ball rolling ...However I know for certain this would not be Jackos style. Jacko bids his long suits and slowly. Meanwhile in the other room South opened with some kind of 2D bid ... maybe both majors maybe something else ..it can be found on 
if you drill down to Senior Camrose and convention cards.

Results and hands and data and stuff can be found here 

Thats all really ... Wbridge5 continues to flourish ... A great 16 board tourney which you play with and against robots .. BJ is still struggling to catch EamonGall or maybe he passed him out recently.
Heneghan has been putting up some fine scores recently and I also saw a high 60s score from A2 player Mary Kavanagh. 
Its possible to play the event here and you can play 0-16 boards a day ..at any time of the day and in groups  of 1 or 2 or 3 or up to the whole 16 in a sitting.
This is where its at. 
I saw Willem Mevius beating up on the Nelsons and Greer last night in the Inter City online league.
They will play a welsh team in the quarter finals. 
Welsh dragons next for Cloonboo ...I dunno where Cloonboo is though
It might be where Jeroen and Bernie live. 

1 comment:

  1. The two diamonds opener at the other table was Ekrens, weak showing at least nine cards in the majors.
