Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Ireland team start in German Open Teams today

An Irish team comprising of Thomas  Hanlon ,Mark Moran ,Rory Boland and John Carroll will start play in the German Open Teams today. Coverage on BBO and live ticker I believe.
I received a new bridge book in the post today. I looked at every page already.
A fine book for the beginning bridge player and those who took lessons in the last year.
Explains concepts very clearly and has some very good pointers that lesser players often fail to acknowledge.,,,,such as keep length with dummy and the same with declarer,
Also aces are for kings ...not 2s 3s and 4s.
Also the authors name Michael O'Loughlin is there in front of you on every pair of pages.

Finally its printed on very glossy paper and in a very attractive green and white shade.
Michael has been teaching bridge for over 30 years so he knows who it is aimed at.

BASIC CARD PLAY by Michael O'Loughlin...
I would recommend it for people who attend Paddy English and any other beginner classes
around the world.
Here is  a review on Amazon

........................ continues to be an interesting challenge..
I don't know Eddie Fitzgeralds new name so cannot post him.
I met a woman the other night who's first assignment when she started working in the ESB many years ago was to tot up bridge recap sheets to make sure they all added up to the same total.  The woman has never played bridge but she recalled this assignment. She continues to work in the ESB. 
Wonder who her boss was.
Clue ..A member of the Regent Bridge club. 
Carlow Congress results are covered on under the National tab.

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