Friday, May 03, 2013

Bridge Congress comes to Carlow

Carlows 1st Bridge Congress in my bridge lifetime takes place this weekend

See the pdf link above ...


Click above for music

Peter Pigot continues his well received Intermediate Bridge seminars
Please book early to e-mail address – . or Peter @ 086-8146230, Mary @ 086-8115793

Fee: €30 per person.
Duration: 14.00pm – 18.00pm

Comprehensive NOTES provided on the day.

Peter Pigot runs Bridge Games, daytime/night-time classes for Beginners, Next Step, Improvers1, Improvers 2 and Masters in Dublin and throughout the country. Bookings for classes being taken now. 
Of course if you don't like to learn from Peter maybe you could read a book or ask Eamon.
However Eamon only does bridge stuff online as he does not have the charisma of Thomas MacCormac or the easy listening style of Malahide Regionals resident teacher Paddy English.
However I have heard Peter Pigots sessions are very good but have never attended one of them.
30 euro gets me 8 pints of plain and about 16 games of DON in my local establishment.
DON is a well known Dublin and Cork game based around 9s and 5s. The 9 is called the BIG DON and the 5 is called the SMALL DON. 
Nigel DONelly is the best player in our club and Jimmy O'DONaghue is the most experienced.
However the McKenna brothers are creeping up and Philip Marx is also a contender.
DON is played with 13 cards and two sets of partners. Therefore all bridge movements can suit the game if required. However generally its just random hands and random partnerships and lots of snarling. Cheating in DON is known as BILLYING ... and RENAGING in DON concedes the game. Don't know if anybody has noticed but both the best players surnames begin with DON.

Any DON player can learn bridge in about 1 hour  and be competent in a few weeks.

Eamon started a DON game in his local club in November 2012 despite never playing the game 
and since then at least 30 players have passed thru the school. This is quite alot for a small club that often only has 6 or 7 punters in the bar. 
On Saturday May 11th we are having a BRIDGE game in that club as the DON players are intrigued by the bridge and want to see it in action as a demonstration. So we are bringing the mountain to mohommed as they say ..the BRIDGE to DON.
Demonstrating will be THE GREAT MULALL , BIG BILLY RONAN ,Eamon Galligan and another who will probably be PAT CASSIDY but I don't know yet.
I had two of Irelands Senior Camrose Team for a bidding session this afternoon. They bid 43 competitive hands in 1.5 hours. Its like a gym for bridge players.
Now I am going to Malahide for a game of bridge at the OPEN night there.Open Bridge at 1930.

Eamon Galligan

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