Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fitness for Bridge


I came across this video on youtube a few days ago ..7 minutes of exercise ....well you don't do as much as they do but you do whatever you can..


Important : .. if you have not exercised in a while you better get a medicial checkup first..

otherwise just stand there and watch this thing ...well maybe shake yourself out or walk around the room

www.bridgewinners.com is a fine website with plenty of coverage of current bridge events.

It also has a nice feature where problems are presented and you can answer the same either publicly or unpublished. You can see who agrees with you and who does not.
The higher your percentage on each problem the most likely you are with the mainstream.

The mainstream on this website are strong bridge players as far as I can see.
Galway Congress is on this coming weekend ..

Pairs on Saturday
Teams on Monday

In between on Sunday there is some Open Pairs and an evening Swiss Pairs.


Entries can be made here

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