Sunday, March 24, 2013

A 3 club opening

Good afternoon folks

I am directing the intermediate B national final and I just strolled by one of the tables spotting a dealer opening with STOP 3 clubs ..

I had a quick look as I thought he held .. 7654.. 65.. 6 ..QT6543

His partner pondered his 15 count briefly and passed .. .3C was the contract and 3C made

I am now looking at the hand record ...he actually held

T752 ..4 .. 84 .. QT6532

and his partner gave him


I have been frisky in the  past myself but this 3C opening shocked me ..enough to write it up.

Just got called to a table where defenders complained that declarer was taking several minutes to make a play. Declarer involved has not been slow all weekend so I checked if he was awake and left him at it.
The man made 5C and scored up 100% ..

It will be Auken versus vanProojen in the Vanderbilt Final later today.

Can be watched on

Eamon Galligan


  1. Hurray. Victory for Sabine. Albeit very close in the end. i.e. 1 imp down with 2 boards to play. Then a 12 imper and a 7 imper to win by 18. All the hard work practicing against Tinky on BBO pays off.

  2. T752 ..4 .. 84 .. QT6532

    My partner does this all the time, sometimes with just 5 of them.
