Thursday, February 03, 2022

I heard about a player make no tricks in 1NT the other night .. names redacted

 Meanwhile if there is not much new stuff here ...checkout the Galligan Youtube bridge channel

6 videos of the recent Broomfield Trophy are there .. all 48 hands are covered and played. 

The unsuspecting East player pulled out a 1NT opening 12-14 from its bidding box and was unaware of the horror that was about to unfold. It went PASS PASS to the North who despite having a reasonable 2S bid using whatever methods one plays eyed up the vulnerability and figured if I can make 2S then maybe I can collect some vulnerable undertricks against the 1NT contract. 

And so it began ... Ace King and another diamond from Python Penelope and Diamonds Dora swung a 4th highest spade from her long suit blissfully unaware of the consequences for declarer. 

the lazy 6 was played from declarers hand ... it cannot really be a play that has much hope ...surely
rise with King and hope it wins. 
So Python Penelope wins the Spade Jack ... cashes the 13th diamond and unwaringly returns a spade. 
5 spade tricks later and declarer is here 
10 tricks lost and a small heart comes back .... Declarer rises with the Heart King 
and Penelope wins and returns a heart to Diamond Doras QT. 

As the old English player Garve used to do ..."Raises the Bat " 
13 as they say in the Bingo .. Unlucky for some. 
Mind you the East West dusted themselves down and powered to victory 
albeit on a score of 54.5% 
Meanwhile the Legend of Blanchardstown was not on the same page as the First Lady 
This shows the importance and major advantage of even having a 2 pager bidding system
agreed between the partnership .. Two pages of system beats loads of expert card playing skills. 
Once you know your partner is on the same page its a big start to your bridge game. 

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