Sunday, December 12, 2021

One suspects the North lad missed his partners PASS as dealer

 Good afternoon folks 

Here is a hand I just witnessed in the Masters Pairs from CBAI. 

South passes as dealer and West launches a 2H weak opening ...a solid weak 2 bid which is passed back to South who had already dealt and passed. Feeling no danger ahead he contributed a reasonable 2S bid. 

Some will say a Double for takeout would be good but that might be hanging on the telephone. It is not recommended to make a takeout double with a void in declarers suit as one likes to lead trumps when partner passes. So 2S it was ... 

Sadly somehow North figured his great unproven cardplay skills could guide home 3NT despite his partners starting with a PASS. I think he missed the PASS or forgot it happened or was distracted. 

Anyway he proceeded to go down 2 vulerable and lose nearly 7 imps to negate the hard earned 6 imps he had already gained 


I notice the fearless Robert Knight who learned the bridge in the Stables in NIHE back in the day launched a 3H bid over Karels 2S opening thing. Conor Boland was pleased to drop the hammer on that and 800 later accept the plus 12 imps. Sadly the Knights were winning the match up until board 7 and that board blew them backwards. 

Kokot and McConville found the takeout double and got plus 500 for their troubles

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