Saturday, October 23, 2021

The 1st bridge cheater in Ireland was my brother ..Wait until you see what came after him

 Back in the early 1990s I had a bridge program called Meadowlark Bridge and PCs were becoming affordable. I was down in Cavan my home town for a few days and brought my PC with me. I was happily playing the Meadowlark every day upstairs. 

Then one day in I went and played a hand and noticed I was way down the leaderboard as some Socrates has taken over. Board after Board I played but the relentless Socrates was always top on every board. 

Finally I realized what had happened. My much younger brother ...21 years younger had slipped in and bid 7NT on every board and claimed 13 tricks on every board. Later on he learned double and redouble. 

My Meadowlark was ruined and every time I reinstalled it ..the results remained as they must have been stored somewhere else. 

So that was the first bridge cheater I encountered 

Meanwhile in Ireland nearly 30 years on we have the new version of my brother 

I think this one was a misclick ..South meant to bid 2NT 

Our man West tried it on Real Bridge and got hosed in Camrose by England

Here East West pushed them into the going down slam but then misdefended by grabbing Spade Queen too early ...South misplayed by floating the spade 10 ...and East grabbed the bait. 
Here it seems Mr Peeper goes for the top spot knowing about his nice diamond stopper
In this case Mr Peeper is also the club director 
Surely when God gives you AKQJxx and 4 card support she means those as trumps.

Here Mr Peeper or something roars into 3NT buying a 15 count in dummies passed hand 

Here we have an East seemingly knowing it is safe to introduce spades 
A different Mr Peeper 

Above  Granda tells me about someone taking him for a fool and getting hosed 

Here we have one of the Mr Peepers on lead ... No Spade Queen for him 
He leads 5th highest to his partners King doubleton with no bidding 
Mr Peeper is the KING 

And here is the King of the Peepers ....this chap can divine a doubleton club in his 
partners hand and knows his partner got trump Ace ..
This man has God on his side or maybe the other chap.
Led a club and when pard won Trump Ace early ..another club and bingo ruff

And here Mrs Inter A2 Peeper is able to NOT lead Diamond Queen like 32 other hopeless opening leaders. NO NO NO ...Madame Peeper finds a nice Club 10 lead partners A8763
No way she leads Diamond Queen ..thats for dodos 
3NT down 1 
Oh and by the way Madame Peeper looked good and did not lead 4th highest to block the suit 

And finally he King of the Peepers ... We got KQJ53 and even God herself will lead Spade King  but our Peeper is made of stronger stuff ... Spade 3 .... and Partner got ACE TEN small ....
And he don't even overtake the TEN second time ...cos its not allowed open 1NT with 5 card major in Sligo cos Feargal said so .. 

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