Thursday, September 23, 2021

I was caught speeding by the Grandparents

 Last night while subbing for a robot in Sligo I thought I would try out my trademark weak no points opening being favourable vulnerability. Its a bad habit I have that I cannot get rid of 

So I wheeled out my weak 2 bid with no points but the hand was such that I was doomed and robots don't like jokes. After my robot bid a forcing enquiry 2NT the ever vigilant Grandma Finola pounced with a double and the always holding good cards Granda Tom left it roll. 

Even if I managed to escape unscathed there was no hope for me as down 3 even undoubled in a partscore board was always down bottom. 

However I will always follow the lure of the favourable vulnerability as I have loads of successes. 

Unfortunately I handed the Grandparents another victory in Sligo but they might have won anyway given they are so good. 

I will get them the next time there is robots in Sligo 

Watch this space !!

I went minus 500 for 0% score ... Bah 

I think they would have still won ..playing in 2S+1 but I would have done better ..maybe in 2nd place.

but nobody remembers 2nd place

Mairead runs a good show most nights on BBO

The Sligo Congress  face to face is coming next June 2022.

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