Friday, September 10, 2021

Battle of the Egos on Youtube Nprecision versus Murphyslaw

 Good afternoon folks 

I made a few videos from a new saga where 2 bridgeplayers go into battle but are learning at the same time. 

Nprecision versus Murphyslaw 

Nprecision Murphy playlist

Last night while running some bridge games this hand came up

After a pass by East the South player opened 1H. All the bridge teachers in Ireland tout open your longest suit but loads of people doubt those teachers. This chap said "But Eamon I was playing 5 card majors" 

Big deal open 1 club and then rebid the hearts about twice thus showing 5+ hearts and a longer club suit. 

Furthermore in another club from this one 

Here it is noticeable that 4 tables of the 9 only reached the 2 level in bidding but I was suggesting that the South hand bid at least 3 times almost on its own. I personally will be bidding this hand to 3H on my own before partner contributes so 2 level contracts are below my radar with this South hand. 

At 3 tables out of 9 in an established bridge club the bidding went PASS PASS 

There is a saying in bridge about 55 come alive ...well 65 is even more so 

Hand Evaluation ,,,,

Method 1 ... High card points 10 plus 3 for the 5th and 6th cards in length = 13 thus an opening bid

Method 2 ... CBAI rule of 19 or 20 add high card points and 2 longest suits if 20 then open bidding so 10 high card points and 11 for the long suits means 21 CBAI points 

Method 3 Zarpoints .. 26 Zars for an opening bid 

Add a) high card points b) controls A=2 K=1 c) 2 longest suits d) longest minus shortest 

10+3+11+6 = 30 ...well above the 26 required to open 

So how did 3 pairs produce a pass as opener and how did 4 tables only reach a 2 level contract. 

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