Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Kelan gives me a walkover in the latest challenge

 Ireland Open Imps Pairs at 815pm every night on BBO. This is a good training session as well as competition. You won't leave this event without some story. 


In my latest challenge issued by Kelan one morning in the early hours I completed the 8 boards and posted 8 plus scores and the bugger did not even turn up. It was like Kerry in the bogball this year. No shows. 

This hand came up last night in a local club where I was subbing for a robot and I held the 4603 hand in the East and I opened 1H without much thought. 13 tables and only one other East opens 1H.  3 Easts open 2H and 2 pairs pass the hand out. 

1. Weak 2 with side 4 major and side void ...How is partner going to be able to evaluate these features.
2. Weak 2 is about 8 loser hand and this one is more like 6 losers ..Again partner is goosed.
3. Strangely the only other East who opened is my first ever bridge partner Pat Cassidy. 
4. Not only did we open the bidding but Cassidy leapt to 3S over his partners 1S responce.
5. The old bridge was lots different then the current point counting bridge. 
6. A couple of years ago I saw 2 chaps with 6-5 in the blacks  11 counts passing out a deal as it only had 11 high card points and then complaining to the TD about the pass out hand. 

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