Sunday, April 18, 2021

Cooper Cup April 18th estimation

 Ireland Open Imps Pairs at 8pm every night on BBO. This is a good training session as well as competition. You won't leave this event without some story.

After the withdrawal of the B point hunting Murray squad late yesterday the favourites mantle surely sits on the Sean Galligan squad who are back-boned by Ben and Jerry from the Paddy Reilly school of bridge. Galligan would be like a scratch golfer in this field of 10 handicappers. 

I remember talking to Maisie Cooper one time and when she figured I was from Cavan she rolled one of those small shilling coins on the ground .. 5p I think they were ..silver to see if I was a real Cavan man. I followed it and pocketed it. 

There are many of the Bankers players from the Ronan McMaugh stable and there is also the ex-members of the Regent on tour squad. Some Malahides are venturing forth but this event has tougher hands then the Malahide Monday AM. Bigswingin and the Dun Laoire crew will be having a look too. 

Thus I am expecting the man who taught me bridge Sean Galligan and his crew to run well. However he will find the Huey trained Sonya squad looking for victory as well as any team that spends time in the Regent or Bankers stable hard to hold off. Galligan will be like Bobby Fischer holding off the Russian hordes in the chess. 

Declan Byrne seems to be running a great operation out of the virtual Regent on his kitchen table. He is battling Fearghal and Diarmuid for the title of chief online TD at this stage. 

However if you want the good hands you need to go to the

Many of todays players make appearances in the Ireland imps from time to time. 

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