Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Redouble and Double ..two hands

  Ireland Open Imps Pairs at 8pm every night on BBO. This is a good training session as well as competition. You won't leave this event without some story. 


I think it was last Sunday the redouble and double happened but I am not certain. 

On the first hand above from Sunday night we say Elaine Curragh open a weak 2S bid which was doubled by the South hand. Double is fairly normal although if you got the dreaded Hacket tool in your arsenal you might find a different way of getting hammered. These folk did not and unfortunately for NS they both managed to pass out the redouble much to the Curragh glee who wrapped up about 10 tricks for a nice 1640 score. 
Now lets not call names ..I recall defending against the great Joe McHale in 2DXX and he made a lot of tricks in that contract and said "Could have been worse ..at least you did not redouble me into game contract" 

I had another episode in the 2005 Camrose Trials where much to John Phelans surprise we defended while our opponents declared in 3NTXX making 3 ..

Meanwhile not to be outdone a local accountant fancied declaring 5C and entered the auction late and got doubled. 
minus 800 entered in the ledger later and she is realizing why she is an accountant. 
After the hand she called her partner a cow.

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