Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Galligan finds some traction on Bridge Now this afternoon

 Ireland Open Imps Pairs at 8pm every night. This is a good training session as well as competition. You won't leave this event without some story. John Comyn and Eimer rolled back the years last night or else folk offered presents.  

Bridgebase online competitive all tournaments and search for eamongall. 

When you hold the South hand and the opponents want to declare 3S and your partner has indicated extras on an opening bid its time to drop the hammer. With a probable 4-1 trump break and partner with goodo up above its unlikely a robot can make 3S ... so I dropped the hammer and found it 3 off for 500 and a 98% score. 

The Camrose Trophy takes place this weekend. I think its virtual as I got no call to do any vugraph. 

NIBU will have a great chance as they have the best player seen for many a year on board. The COVID era certainly brings out the best in Paul Tranmer as himself and Mrs Tranmer have posted some serious scores in the last 8 months or so. 
However he has not replicated the same form when saddled by Wayne Sommerville. Wayne does not seem to be able to get the best out of him. However maybe Wayne been riding him "hard held" and will unleash the beast this weekend. 
I presume England will gain their customary win but who knows as this COVID era has seen several new players hit the podiums. 
Tom McIntyre and Finola Higgins have been relentless in their pursuit of Sligo victories. However despite numerous victories they failed to catch the eye of the NIBU selectors. 

I think the Camrose takes place on RealBridge platform. 

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