Monday, October 26, 2020

Painting oneself in the corner. Ireland Imps Pairs 830pm every night

This evening I was reviewing the big scores from Malahide this morning to see what tips I can learn for when the COVID tide recedes. I spotted an opponent of one of the leading pairs bidding 6NT. However he declared from wrong side and I presumed leading pair got him down for their 100%. I looked anyway. I could not see any way to lose the slam. 

Just play Diamond King and next trick he sees Spade Queen ... 
Unfortunately a trick ahead of himself probably and instead of a nice 100% in the bag he ended up with 0% as he locked himself in dummy to lose the last 2 tricks in Hearts. I did this myself once in Drogheda Congress was racing towards making 7C grand slam against Ciara Burns and Murchan but got a trick ahead of myself and blew it . 

Last night in the Ireland Imps one chap called the other a chimp for bidding 3H jump bid and not alerting it. Then he called me a jellyfish...Hopefully someday Garve meets the Lions Mane and finds out the real deal. 

I mean does this really need alerting. Its simple Acol bid ..limit raise 10-12 hcp. 
Then he started crying about 4C makes but sure the robot does not understand alerts. 
Then he put on a big sulk and would not bid on the next board. 

Eventually I had to put in a robot to play last hand of the set. A grown man sitting there sulking.

What a whinger and crybaby. 
However at least he is an honest whinger so we won't be blocking him yet. 

I guess he will do a sulk now and not appear for several days but he will return. They always return. 

I do understand a little bit but sulker is basing his whinge on allways3 being an Expert. Its great for allways3 that thegarve rates him as an expert player. 

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