Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A few hands that went awry in Ireland imps pairs Monday

 Ireland Imp Pairs every night at 830pm ... a great workout or training session ...

No 4333 hands here ..,. No 1NT all pass here ... 2BBO dollars 28 boards ... The real deal .. 

The despondent return of the Tranmers did nothing for the Ireland imps pairs. After a dismal round 2 when their Northern com-padres Connell and Marge destroyed them the Trannies were fighting a hard battle to rise from the depths. 

Board 27 saw the Trannies receive a nice gift from former international woman player Maria someone as she gifted them a going down all day partscore 

I mean why can you not have 2D 1H and 1S for down 1. 
Somehow Maria chose to roar up with Ace of Hearts and create discard for Tranmer to roll home 
the no play 4C ... plus 8 imps for Tranmer 

Then we were onto 3S on board 23 ... again 5 tricks off the top ...but no ...the defenders chose not to

do the business and Tranmer was away again for slates .. West even made the perfect Club lead .. 

Another 6 imps in the Tranmer bag ... No wonder people think he is too good for the Ireland Imps .. 

He is like a reverse Santa Claus. 

And we move on and we find Bruree in a cold 4S ...He knows from bidding where HA is but chooses to forget that opening bid ... down 1 in cold one and Tranmer is flying ... another 13.5 imps in the Tranmer bag . 

  My final example on this run sees Tranmer take the push to the failing 3D contract and then MaryPT pushes on to the hopeless 4C .. another 5 imps in Tranmers bag.. 

With a flash of his wand Tranmer has landed 32 imps in the plus ...and not a sign of MrT1000 on these boards. MrT2000 might be the greatest bunnybasher of the Covid era ...He is certainly racking up the imps since mid March .. However these 4 boards were all gifts from above.

Meanwhile ..its time to examine how the Tranmers came a cropper against the non-descript Donegal duo Connell and Marge... 

Board 5 Tranmers gained 2 imps for a missed slam 

Board 6 .. 

Its a going down 4H but it is quite tough it seems to me ... something about spades and trumps and thus Tranmer could not find the double dummy switch of a small spade 
Then Mrs1000 came alive and bid a decent 6D ..but again it was off as had to lose Ace and an offside trump queen. 
Board 8 saw the whole world making partscore or game in spades but Tranmer stopped off to collect plus 100 in 3HX. 
Finally revenge of the Bruree Joe as he roared into a cold 6S and played it perfectly to make loads of imps. Go on Bruree .. This left the shell shocked Tranmers down in bunny land hoovering up the lettuce and carrots .. 

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