Friday, August 14, 2020

Wow its murphy time .. Magic Murphy holds off experienced Whelan to win

 Tonight Friday we will continue with 28 board 7x4 Ireland imps. 830pm start .. same Saturday but we will revert to 6x4 on Sunday to Thursday nights as some people have work and golf to get up for in the mornings. Some even go fishing for Mr Cod. 

So tonight was the Outlier .. Magic Murphy came off the bench at board 6 and roared into action. 

Noel Murphy wins

but do not fear ..the tide did turn this morning as Galligan tamed the rampaging Murphy by 11 imps

Last night Noel Murphy was making loud noised and kept calling the tournament director on Sean Whelan. I have no idea why. It was almost like he wanted to force me to watch him . I would turn up as expected and be greeted by Silence ... I am not a mind reader. 

Last night one of murphys calls was the above. First was 5 minutes of silence. Finally some mis spelt rubbish that looked like ALERT spelled mixed up and no lerta or some fast typing. 

Now for some reason only known to himself Sean Whelan reckons this is a 3S bid .. but there is no agreement as Rose O'Brien would not expect to see this hand as she would hardly go 4S opposite what Sturdy had ... I think he is called Sturdy as he used to be seen holding up slanted goalposts in a previous career. He was clearly much better at the other career as waltzing his partner into 4S vulnerable is hardly a thing of beauty.

However Murphy calls the director ..having seen the dummy and wants to be allowed DOUBLE as there was NO ALERT and then he types 

"I don't know why I bother ... (calling the director I presume ) 

Murphy thinks Whelan should alert 3S .. as (I am an idiot I am bidding 3S with rubbish ..when my partner raises to 4S ..please Murphy double us ) 

Murphy does not understand ...he thinks there should be alerts for every stupid bid a player makes 

Alerts are for something a player could not possibly be expected to know ... however

Everyone knows Sean Whelan bids the first card in the bidding box that attracts his attention .. he  could be watching the Ballymun Lickams on the gogglebox was on last night .. 

Sean sees 3 spade cards and a void and figures ah sure I will bid 3S will put murphy off more than Rose. 

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