Thursday, July 09, 2020

Ireland Imps Pairs July 9th 2020

Tonight poor granda and higheg got treated badly in the Ireland imp pairs.
Board 16 Grandpa arrived into thegarves 4S auction at a late stage
Nothing wrong with this on the face of it being favourable vulnerability.
Granda was lucky partner had a few nice pieces or it was going to be 1100 or 1400.
Like take away Diamond Ace or JT of Hearts or both. 
A brave man but he lost 800. 

Someone like me would be getting in early with a 4H bid out of turn or 4H over 2NT ..make thegarve guess not offer him a choice of 800+ or his game. thegarve is not going to lie down and pass 5H like the local club cheering show. Thegarve is unaware that granda is the greatest bridge player that ever lived. 
Then Board 18 saw thegarve whinging again 
His partner has made a 4H overbid ...looks to me like 3H would be normal and he is yelling to tournament about granda leading Club Queen. Even a blind man or woman would lead a club and I don't mean any offence to those who cannot see. They would have heard partner bidding 3C and led their partners suit. thegarve says loads of sensible stuff but this one is beyond me. 
Still congratulations are in order for granda and higheg who have turned up 5 times at Sligo Fearghal events and posted an average of 69% .... I cannot do that in Malahide Monday AM and I am a far superior player to granda and my opponents are of similar level to Sligos players. Maybe Sligos are stronger. I must find out if there is any bridgewebs in Fermanagh or wherever Granda hangs out. 
Someone indicated it might be the 2nd coming of remnart who is also a ferocious scorer since COVID lockdown. Most likely Granda is too strong a player for the average Sligo punter or maybe higheg is a master of bridge. 

Link to BBO results

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