Thursday, June 11, 2020

Novices playing Natural get struck down

Novices playing Natural get struck down

Last night 2 novices ran into an self elected advanced player partnering a player way out of his league. So self elected advanced man has been taking small nudges all night as he is not as advanced as he thinks he is. Finally he meets a pair of Novice or maybe B2s but fairly new players.
1NT (15-17) from his partnet and novice1 overcalls 2C ...Well Mr Advanced starts banging his drums about what is 2C and on and on and on ....and the poor novice thinks he has lost his mind.
Finally the other novice says its clubs ... and now Mr Advanced is not happy that they talked to the table. I pipe in as director .. "ITS CLUBS .. and finally they get the message.
Even the partner up top ...gushes ... "I would send folk home from my club if they turned up with 2C natural overcall of 1NT.....
The novice who I happen to know in real life actually private messaged me
"Eamon ..who is this clown  has he lost his mind partner just overcalled clubs" ..

And meanwhile 80% of the online Ireland players could not be bothered alerting ..

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