Saturday, June 13, 2020

Diarmuid Reddan Invitational Teams June 13th

This weekend we have the Diarmuid Reddan Invitational Online Swiss Teams.
The top 4 will make the semi finals on Sunday with a rest for the lesser teams.

John Carroll,Mark Moran,Hugh McGann,Tom Hanlon,Nick FitzGibbon,Adam Mesbur
Mike Pownall,Daniel McIntosh,PeterGoodman,TerryWalsh
David Walsh,Ciaran Coyne,Donal McAonghusa,Tommy Garvey,Enda Glynn,Gay Keaveney
Donal Garvey,Pat Quinn,Micheal O’Briain,Padraig O’Briain,Louise Mitchell,Derek O’Gorman

John Phelan,Lucy Phelan,Cian Holland,Anna Onishuk,,
Micheal Donnelly,Conor Boland,John Connolly,Stephen Barr,Kelan O’Connor,
BJ O’Brien,Alan O’Sullivan,Peter Pigot,Karel DeRaeymaeker,,

The above will be my top 7 finishers.
The 8-20 picks can be found on Fearghals website
I had to pick 7 finishers as one cannot leave the elegant Peter Pigot in the also rans.
Pigot is assisted by super grandmaster BJ O'Brien who holds 2000+ CBAI B points. This is more than the full holding of some of the lesser teams. However it will be good for the lesser teams to receive 1 or 2 good hidings before dropping down to the bottom to play their own games while the sharks swim around up top. 
Its 10 board matches so some of the lesser teams could get a good trimming.
The 6 player teams will have a large advantage as they get time off.

You would think the organisers would have invited 1 or 2 teams from the NIBU given that they will soon be joining CBAI as soon as Brexit is sorted. Then we will have loads more grandmasters as everyone up North who wins the NIBU Pairs is granted grandmaster status. John Murchan has won it 12 times but he will have to watch the racing as no invitation arrived for the Diarmuid.

No sign of the mighty collusion hunter Martin Garvey either. He is probably busy in Serbia or watching Wimbledon. 

I understand there is a vugraph operation scheduled for today. It joins onto a table or 2 and runs without operators. 

Meanwhile from time to time I play a few boards against the all conquering Tranmers. They did not get an invite either. I am losing heavily ..being 153 imps behind after 30 boards

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