Friday, June 19, 2020

Brendan Sheridan The Champ

BJ argues long and hard

Brenfan got off to a roaring start as board 2 found BJ O:Brien and Dave Terry in a generous mood.
One was wary of the brooding intelligent Petet Pigot in the dummy but he was helpless to help the cause if he even noticed,
So all 4 thugs moved onto board 2 and they all wanted to do some bidding
Board 1 had seen the normally classy Peter Pigot get misled somehow and hang BJ out for the showup squeeze. There fore it was time to strike back

After some bidding by both sides BJ and Peter arrived in 4S and Big Brendan put the hammer on it .

The accurate Dave Terry fishes out one of the 12 leads that will defeat the contract.
He chose a small trump which will cut down diamond ruffs,
BJ wins and all is well so far but there is a storm brewing,
BJ advances a tempting Club King and Terrt is on it like a cat on a mouse ... then slowly realizes it mighr be a poisined mouse,
Terry tries a diamond and Brendan wins Ace and returns a trump big ..
BJ jumps on that as the storm brews
Trick 5 BJ advances the Heart 10 ...but Terry is wise to that and rises with KING ..
Trivk 6 Terry returns a HEART ... and the storm begins except the great man does not know it yet
BJ wins in his hand with a confident 9 and Eamon heads off to pastures anew
2 minutes later director calls are coming ... BJ wants an UNDO as he has tossed his Heart Ace accidently.
Eamon says does not matter as you are already down no issue ..
BJ starts to dance and is still dancing at 1210am ... 3 hours later as he still cannot see that he has carved the contract ...
Another 10 minutes and finally BJ agrees grudgingly that Eamon was right all along.

And its all Dave Terrys fault ...all he had to do was DUCK Club King and I never have to suffer the BJ grief, His crazy capture of the Club King or maybe it was a misclick ..

2000 B points and 100 national titles and the man still cannot out play Galligan

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