Saturday, May 16, 2020

Ireland Imp Pairs May 14th The Return of the BISHOP

Last night the BISHOP returned to the throne. Despite serious opposition from the Tranmer pair the mighty BISHOP held onto his vestments. I don't know if John Lavery was a real BISHOP or just a priest but he had the Holy GOD on his side last night as he out sprinted the all conquering Tranmer pairing. Despite the presence of World Class Tommy Garvey aided by very decent player Donal MacAonghusa from Galway as well as the powerful grandmaster BJ O'Brien aided by the decent Alan O'Sullivan it took BISHOP and Teabag all their luck and effort to keep the Tranmers at bay.

Hand 16 saw Tranmer with a Joe McHale weak 2 opener PASS ...and be amazed to find BISHOP opening a weak 2 bid in the same suit. A very hungry DOUBLE followed and the BISHOP was in the CLAW. This woman must have got nothing to eat all day ... a 10 count that wants to play opposite a passed hand at the 3 level vulnerable. No wonder they are hitting the podium night after night.
The Crab Tranmer grips the BISHOP securely 
Meanwhile a player called Liz opened a weak 2 on the West and despite opposition bidding she
thought it a good idea to inform partner again that it was a weak 2 in spades she held by bidding 3S just to be sure. Brendan Doyle up North was able to deal with that.
Then we had an anonymous called toscatwo give its version of events. I have to show this as it is the most bizarre bid of 4S I have ever seen.
I mean surely if you feel like bidding after getting the 3D bid from partner a bid of 5D might be the honorable thing to do. Its booked for 2 off vulnerable but at least you got 10 or 11 trumps and will hardly get doubled. However the chosen 4S is a scary thought.
Mel5939 is another example of the open weak2 bid and tell partner again in case she did not hear the first time. These folk wanted to leave early one night as they had work in the morning. I hope they don't work as bridge teachers.
The whole sorry tale of board 16 can be found here for anyone who wants...
The board 16 saga ..

Link to BBO results and hands

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