Sunday, April 26, 2020

Kelan claims a victory for cracked phone ...and a NO SLAM.

Ireland Imp Pairs play starts at 2105 April 26th ... registering becomes visible at 706pm 

When we return to face to face bridge CBAI are introducing the new rule of UNDO for the under 40s or juniors. Apparently if they make a mistake they will be allowed take it back under the new lack of experience law ... to be tabulated as Law 94.5 ... up to 3 undos a session will be allowed.

However there are no UNDOS for anyone in the Ireland Imp Pairs. A few weeks ago I had a person and its partner both standing up on their hindlegs demanding an UNDO. So I granted the UNDO temporarily and now with the tempers relaxed one could ask a few questions and even get the offender to indicate that in face to face bridge the bid would stand. What had happened was the player had passed a Blackwood response accidentally but on purpose this is going to be a change of mind. Its like partner does a 2S range ask over 1NT opening and you pass it by accident when you are minimum thinking you are in 2NT. You meant to do it even if you did not really mean to do it.

Anyway Mr Broken Phone seems to manage fine for the rest of the session

Here is a 6NT hand that I don't follow at all. Now mind you I am on a different level than most in this field so maybe thats the reason. 

So how do you play to make 12 tricks. A diamond lead and 
our brave soul fired out 5 rounds of clubs possibly deciding 
it was time to count the tricks on the 5th round of clubs as there
was a significant pause for air at this stage. 
Even at this stage having got some nice defensive help 
our anti hero chose to lock itself into its hand by
not unblocking the King of Hearts. 
Now the famous Donegal or Derry bridgeman decides
he will feel sorry for declarer and hands her one last
free roll just for the crack. "She'll never play low in 
Spades" he gushes in best Donegal Danny accent. 
Amazingly he is correct ..She took the 0% line again.
Fridgeman played a small spade from the diagrammed

Meanwhile the Big Roar watched calmly in dummy.
A few minutes later Kitkatsist fresh from 2nd place in Fearghals Intermediate
 event arrived at the table and uttered the words
"I see the Lion Bar is back " 


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