Thursday, April 23, 2020

BBO has moved end of PEAK back to 9pm

No Ireland Imps Pairs at 530pm ...

ONE Ireland Imps Pairs can start just after 2100 hours it appears we will try that 
and go for 24 boards Swiss Imps .. 8 times 3 rounds .. 

if the event fails to run at the 905pm  time then we will try again ..and if 2nd time .. we will got at normal 10pm. 
April 23 Imp Pairs results on BBO

So I was looking for some nice hands from last night with a little learning in them when I spotted this little beauty. I could see from the off that the hand was about whoever broke the diamonds and here I was hoping it was thegarve and his 11 bottle of beer.

Don't break the diamonds
So on this hand we needed to airbrush the declarer out of the picture as for some reason it takes pain instead of free learning from the bridge. So looking at the hand we see we have 1 spade loser and 2 diamond losers if we can persuade the opps to lead the diamonds. So we set off on our merry way. Win the spade lead ..3 rounds of trumps ..eliminate the clubs ..AK and ruff ..
cash 2nd spade and we are left with .. Spade Heart and 3 diamonds in East .. and same in the West. Now in real life thegarve has already looked at Eamon and conceded 7 tricks ago as he knows the pain is coming. However not tonight as our man does not know the strip and endplay declaring skill yet. Our chap leads a diamond as the kibitzers grimace as thegarve gets away with another 7 free imps plus the 3.5 out for making 4H. Up in your local club they would have cashed AK of diamonds and nobody would have needed any declarer skill. I put the link to the replay above for the learners to replay the hand as they wish. 
No doubt the phone will still be dingling later when East awakens and thinks I have done him an injustice whereas in reality its a free lesson in declaring. Nobody listens to Eamon but there is always the Peter Pigot Bridge Club where one can learn great skills in playing and defending. 
Intermediate - 'Bidding to Play + Count Carding Explained'    ... Peter Pigot Bridge Club is there ,,,page down a little

He might let me in as I will be running the Fitzwilliam Bridge Club game at this time.
I love an old free lesson. I once got 3 hours from Eric Kokish thinking I was a great lad but the reality was Eric Kokish got 3 hours from myself and my partner as he tested out his online skype lesson.

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