Saturday, March 14, 2020

Ireland Imp Pairs 3 tonight Saturday March 14th 8pm

Tonight for the 3rd night in a row we will continue with Ireland Imp Pairs at 8pm Irish time. 
I saw a small Longford tourney running last night with 3.5 or 4 tables. 
They should have joined the Ireland Imp Pairs which is aimed at all of Ireland rather than running a small event at same time. However I am sure they enjoyed themselves too. 
I opened it up with 4 minutes to go as we only had about 7 tables. One problem is that the more experienced tourney players from afar think they might get away with avoiding a bad score by running down the clock..... but I normally catch these and adjust the score. Therefore tell me (eamongall) if you are averaged on a good board. 
Here are the results for last night 
Last night we had Murphyslaw and Jeroen defending the realm in 4th place ..JamesT42 and marlynch in 6th .. the legendary Mountnugent GAA player in 7th and Alan O'Sullivan Carolann Cummins in 10th place. About 21 ireland players showed up last night supported by many visitors to make up 19 tables. Most of them stayed the full distance so not many ran off.

We will go again tonight on Bridgebase online at 8pm.
Tourney #4723 in Competitive and Free Tourneys.
All Ireland flags welcome. 
Hands are random from Bridgebase online.

Finally I got destroyed by the Kerry pigfarmer this morning in an imps challenge. This guy has robots helping him all over the place. 
3NT is down 2 all the way and our man makes it plus 1. 
okay I miscounted my diamonds on another board and opened 1S with 5-6 SD and then I passed out a 4333 hand with no 10s and he bids a making 3NT. 

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