Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ireland Imp Pairs March 25th

Ireland Imp Pairs Every night at 8pm ..Free Tourney
Open to all Ireland flags..message eamongall if you cannot get in. However change to an Ireland South flag and its usually ok. 

I think BBO selects the current group of Ireland flags and my followed list at creation of the event so I need to refresh if a person changes from say Northern Ireland to Ireland flag. 

If you want to play for first time .. best not arrive at 758pm .. look in earlier and try registering. Tourney is visible from about 615pm.

Be aware that in these days of BBO capacity issues ... (there were 33500 logged on at one stage last night and this is only those inside the front screen. Another 1000 or 2000 or so could be playing on the front page incognito. )  Before the pandemic somewhat below 20000 was peak.

BBO will issue you a warning after a few minutes of inactivity and then log you off if no action. This could happen if you play 2 fast boards and leave the room with 8 minutes of the round left. Sometimes people forget they are in a tournament and get distracted in the house and then they are subbed. 
Its just BBO minding its resources not an insult or not me kicking you.

On Wednesdays  Fearghal O'Boyle will run an intermediate event starting at 1930. So any intermediates who wish to play intermediate can look out for an event at 1930 directed by ansuid. Intermediates are welcome to play in 8pm Ireland imp pairs but now can choose the intermediate event on Wednesdays.

A link to Regent Bridge Clubs advice and BBO information  (I hope they won't mind)

An event for Fitzwilliam Tennis Club will run at 1500 hours on Mondays and Thursdays. This event is limited to their members.
Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club results
 It will appear at Competitive ..Free Tournaments from about 1315 hours to accept entries. Be online at 1500 hours or you could get deleted by Bridgebase and Eamon has no control on this.

There is also The Ireland Bridge Club which folk can use as a meeting place if necessary ... Anyone can set a table and maybe folk from Ireland or their own club will join them

Last night we had 17 tables in the Ireland Imp Pairs. Numbers were down due to Fearghal O'Boyle running Ireland Intermediate Pairs at 1930 and Regent Bridge Club weekly club event.
Easier night for me. I also tried running unclocked but now it was the fast players complaining "Why are we waiting" ....Its not like we don't have time ....Covid19 has granted us plenty of time.

March 25th Ireland Imp Pairs Results

Last night saw the less than powerful Coffey Lavery partnership take turns at offering the opponents a large bonus.

First of all the opposition West clearly play a different form of weak 2 then most Regent and Bankers trained bridge players. The West player must be used to going down as this is the biggest weak 2 bid I have ever seen. Back in the day the Regent Bridge Club made a club rule where you had to hold 5 hcp in order to make an opening bid. I don't know if this CLUB LAW was ever rescinded but it existed in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This weak 2 opening would need a rule from the opposite end of the spectrum. Meanwhile the other partner is clearly used to a partner who opens the 3 point weak 2 bids and 5 card trumps or something and he duly bids 4H. A slam in hearts might be a normal proposition for EAST WEST ..

Now its magical Michael Coffeys turn to enter the fray ... he sees the need to boost the opponents into a slam. He produces a 5D bid vulnerable ... Must be the REVENGE convention ..wonder what the BISHOP did to deserve that.

and the opponents climb to 5H ...

Now the Bishop enters the fray ... 5 SPADES goes the mighty BISHOP .. gets doubled .. and sits it like Galligan in 1SXX in Brighton once ... down 4 was my result and 2200 out.
The BISHOP did not even revert to 6D ...despite his 4 card support of the other chap.

The full hand with interactive is here for those who wish to be a used TEABAG or a retired BISHOP.
The Bishop and the Teabag sacrificing

Then there was the age old 1 level redoubled passed out ..
Somehow East West got mixed up as to who should take it out or not
a score of plus 1920 was the result

Some places to try out for free bridge are

Another thing to do might be .. Bridgebase Online challenges
Challenge up to 4 of your BBO friends to a challenge playing same boards.

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