Friday, December 20, 2019

Board 25 Jim Cahill Invitational Pairs and a Passed hand from another club

Here is a board I came across this morning while struggling with the Jim Cahill Pairs event.

All our fantastic pairs seem to be reaching for the hopeless skies. I personally passed 3D and then when 3H came along I now bid 3S and the opponents bid 4H which I left go for 3 down.
How come the "best " pairs in Ireland are ALL gone past the hopeless 4H. Something is wrong with the thinking on this board but about 5  of these pairs are sure fire invitees for the free money event sponsored by Jim Cahill.
Enormous prizes are available here for the participants but this board begs belief.
How come all NS pairs are roaring past 4H on the NS side and even reaching 4H on the EW side.
4H is surely minus 200 or 500 or more. I have not looked at the double dummy.

Meanwhile over in Fitzwilliam Tennis club I have a guy coming to explain that all the hands on hand 1 have 11 points or less.
Game is available for both sides in Spades and Hearts respectively but my man arrives up with I thought all hands should have an opening bid. I knew about the hand as I had watched the dealing machine dealing the boards and chose to leave it in the set. Same hand was also in the set on the same night in Malahide Regional. Generally when dealing sets I will watch out for a possible passed out balanced hand and delete it but this one is not for deleting.

I am happy to report that after a few decent boards ..2C doubled and made on 26 and 3NT downed on 27 that I am gaining some traction in this event. I finally got off the deck by overtaking MacCormac McMaugh. Long way to go though.

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