Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Eurobridge Mixed Pairs 2019 and Shane returns to bridge

Meanwhile over in Instanbul the first stage of the Mixed Pairs qualifying is over. Of our aforementioned two pairs who were bringing up the rear after 5 boards one Walsh and Kemple climbed all the way to 77th place out of 240. They might sneak a place in the A semi final but due to dropins from the Teams knockouts will probably end in the B semi fnal.

Boland Onishuk and Waterford Phelans placed in the early 100s and its B final for them
The best in the west according to Mairead got spanked badly and ended in early 200s. The Bray terrors failed to get moving too much and qualified for the B semi final.

However many world reknowned bridge players failed to make it into semi final A so thats the way it goes.


An another subject the Bridgemaster program one of my favourite pieces of bridge kit for many years. We had some new developments.
I advised an up and coming bridge player from Malahide to give it a go. The person returned and indicated Bridgemaster should be sent to Panda recycling and fast. The person could not work out that when the program told him down 1 at trick 2 it was being nice and not wasting time.

Bridgemaster was written by Fred Gitelman about 25 years ago or more as a DOS program.
Its still a fantastic piece of kit but Fred has now placed it free of charge on Bridgebase Online.
However my person could not understand that it was getting a good deal.

My person could not grasp that when he took a losing finesse that the next time when it disdained the finesse that the finesse now worked. So it threw a strop.

Bridgemaster 2

The other night in the local pub due to circumstances unmentionable here the legendary barman Shane Maxwell was pressed back into service. Now I took the liberty of attempting to teach Shane bridge several years ago. This was a hard task as Shane at the time knew everything about everything. He would tell a fishing correspondent how to fish and a boat how to float.

So Shane knew bridge and even more so when the first hand he played saw him defending against 6NT by the WBridge5 robots. Shane held KQJT of clubs and like any newbie led off the CLUB 10.
Later on as robot cruised towards 12 tricks Shane noted he was getting squeezed but did not know the term squeeze so he discarded KQJ of clubs as he saw no way out. Then his partner was able to win trick 12 with Club 9 and trick 13 with some other card. DOWN 1 and Shane the Unblocker was born.
Now the bugger was even more unbearable. He had added bridge expertise to his long list of know all things.

3 years later Shane was on the drinking side of the bar and now almost qualified electrician and still knowing lots about everything. We got Shane playing some online bridge. Slowly I realized and noticed that Shane never bid past 3 level. So I took the bait and asked.

Shane explained that you get game bonus for 3 level.

Apparently Shane was so busy talking as Eamon was giving him the crash course that he only heard the part about 3NT getting a game bonus and presumed it was same for 3C 3D 3H 3S.
You see I wondered why he was stopping in 3H and 3S with big hands. He said ..game bonus and too far from a slam.

So I educated Shane a little more ... REVELATION he said ...
This is a game changer ...You did not tell me the full rules.
It was all my fault ..

So last week Shane indicated he was still a top bridge man but he was flying under the radar and was somewhat busy. However this night he indicated willingness to have a go at bridge after first offering 20 shots handicap in a game of GOLF. I don't play GOLF so that was not going to work.

So I offered him BRIDGEMASTER and SHANE said " Well I guess I will try level 3 for starters and then maybe level 4.... Level 1 is for dunces "

I put him going on Level 1 and those red circles indicate FAILURE.

That shut him up for all of 10 hours ...Shane rose the next morning and pulled out his laptop before work and scored 27 out of 30 on level 1.

I said "Great so is it level 2 tonight .." He said "Nope I got lots of Level 1 to finish first"

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