Saturday, May 04, 2019

New Bridgebase Online ...better today

Today I made another video with the brand new version of Bridgebase Online.

Yesterday in my last post the new version was struggling terribly so I had to switch to the OLD version. For some reason my I AND O keys are struggling on this keyboard. Must get the Google out and find out why. Its only the capital letters.

Anyway i played against Mullingar man. He is the chap who first tried to teach me bridge and still thinks he is a master of bridge. However he does not realise that AREA MASTER is just jumped up intermediate player. The MASTER is just like the MASTER in masterpoints .. .

its like " I love you long time , you give me mastercard "

Play long time ...get lots of masterpoints ... not good at bridge ..

So here we have a video of Eamon v Sean playing a 16 board challenge on BBO.

Eamon v Sean video     click on that link

Last night in Malahide Regional Bridge Club we had the Cowhie Trophy ..
Dan Cowhie .... I think he told me he was 95 or nearing 95 last night.

Dan Cowhie who started bridge aged 58 approximately a good many years playing.
His wife Mary also playing a decent number of years but a late starter also.

Anyway the bearded masters won the Trophy last night ...
Charles Higgins and Phil Murray ....Charles is approaching 85 ... and Phil is a right age too.

We also had the annual appearance of Ray McConville a true master of bridge from Malahide.

He could have stroked me good last night when I chose to Double him in a hopeless contract.
As it turned out he could have escaped into 3 hearts making ....from a hopeless 3C doubled.

Hearts was my partners 2nd suit bid so from my point of view looked unlikely but further attention by me would have indicated an 8 card heart fit for them .. so probably I PRESSED on the trigger too foolishly. You see McConville is no fool and 40 years ago he probably worked out he is fecked in 3CX and bids his side 5 card suit ....and gets doubled by my partner in 3H MAKING.


1 comment:

  1. Words of wisdom from one of the Americans

    "It is a serious mistake to double a freely-bid contract"

    I thought the American was Jeff Rubens but he denied it not so long ago. The commentator justified the statement with what I felt was sound reasoning and I have learned to my cost here on BBO, just how sound it is
